More hardware design (was Re: GigaRouter)

Tim Keanini writes:

If you open up Cisco's PIX box, you will find that it is a PCI based
motherboard with an ISA card that looks to the system like a drive.
The ISA card has flash on it where you save off configurations and
boot off of. When the box wakes up, it just boots off the ISA card.
The only other cards in it are your NIC cards (ETHERNET, FAST-ETHERNET or TokenRING).

IT is very clean and the only moving part is the floppy drive that is
under a cover with a lock. :slight_smile:

I suspect that the Compaq IOS box looks about the same. Has anyone used one
of those?


I missed the beginning of this thread, but so I don't know if this is a
hardware or software thread. :slight_smile: That said, about 10 days ago we installed
our first Cisco with 11.2 / NAT (NAT is the software the PIX runs). I
must say, it was unbelievable. Nice to have all of that function without
having another node on the network.

Our customer had an international WAN with unassigned IP addresses. NAT
handled it like a champ and only took about 20 minutes to configure...

It is worth saying that the NAT functionality in 11.2 IOS is just NAT.
Meaning, it does address translation.

The PIX (Private Internet Exchange) does NAT but it also offers you
a statefull security policy applied to packets crossing the PIX. This
feature (and the encrypted links) is what makes the PIX box popular
with Network Security Weenies who need security policy applied to
packets at 100base-T.

I thought it might be helpful mentioning this point because everytime
someone says PIX, some other person says 11.2 IOS. :slight_smile:
I can't wait to play with 11.2 myself. It is up on the whiteboard. :slight_smile:


I missed the beginning of this thread, but so I don't know if this is a
hardware or software thread. :slight_smile: That said, about 10 days ago we installed
our first Cisco with 11.2 / NAT (NAT is the software the PIX runs). I
must say, it was unbelievable. Nice to have all of that function without
having another node on the network.

Our customer had an international WAN with unassigned IP addresses. NAT
handled it like a champ and only took about 20 minutes to configure...

> Tim Keanini writes:
> > If you open up Cisco's PIX box, you will find that it is a PCI based
> > motherboard with an ISA card that looks to the system like a drive.
> > The ISA card has flash on it where you save off configurations and
> > boot off of. When the box wakes up, it just boots off the ISA card.
> > The only other cards in it are your NIC cards (ETHERNET, FAST-ETHERNET or TokenRING).
> >
> > IT is very clean and the only moving part is the floppy drive that is
> > under a cover with a lock. :slight_smile:
> I suspect that the Compaq IOS box looks about the same. Has anyone used one
> of those?
> /a

   \ Tim Keanini | "The limits of my language, /
   / | are the limits of my world." \
   \ | --Ludwig Wittgenstein /
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