more exchanges...

Denver MAX
Tokyo JPIX
Panama (no web page yet)
Manchester MANAP
E. Washington & Idaho
Dominican Republic

With news on sites in:


Denver MAX

This does not yet exist.


Please speak only of what you know first hand.
It does indeed exist.

Barb Dijker, Manager
P O BOX 17565, BOULDER CO 80308-0565 USA
+1.303.938.0188, fax +1.303.938.0177

Simple answer for this one (and I was planning on asking this
  anyway) -- where can one obtain more information about this
  and the other NAPs new to the list?

Please speak only of what you know first hand.
It does indeed exist.

Oh. Please tell me what ISPs, note the plural, are exchanging traffic.


PS: hint: I was there today.

Excuse my waste of more bandwidth, but I owe an apology to Barb.

I had not intended my 'who peers' message to be public. Apologies for my

I may have given the impression that I intended to disparage the upcoming
Denver exchange. I do not. In fact, I am trying to figure our how to peer
there, as it is our HQ city and we're already in the same darn colo.. [ but
there are known issues for NSPs who might wish to peer at local exchanges,
see ]
