
If you are relying on AT&T's paging/SMS service (for your phones) to be
alerted to (most certainly undesirable) operational events (or if you are
replying to them via the 2-way SMS service), this is a good time for a
backup pager: 22h3s IN A 22h3s IN A

Both are dead like a door stop, and we can speculate on wether they
are located in the same physical building, on the same routed interface,
and the same physical switch, which failed the single processor
blade driving both of them.

I have pagers in my queue that are now more than 65 minutes old.

Back in the day when we had pagers (they still make those?), we'd find
that emailing things to pagers wasn't the brightest idea around.

Perhaps getting that old Hayes 2400 out, and getting a TAP/IXO thing

If you have a clueful paging provider, they should let you do SNPP. Think
of it as TAP over IP.

OK, perhaps

> Back in the day when we had pagers (they still make those?), we'd find
> that emailing things to pagers wasn't the brightest idea around.

should have read

> Back in the day when we had pagers (they still make those?), we'd find
> that USING IP to ACCESS OUR pagers wasn't the brightest idea around.

If you have a clueful paging provider, they should let you do SNPP. Think
of it as TAP over IP.

-- Alex Rubenstein, AR97, K2AHR,, latency, Al Reuben --
-- Net Access Corporation, 800-NET-ME-36, --

Thus spake <>

If you have a clueful paging provider, they should let you do SNPP.
Think of it as TAP over IP.

The single most important page is the one saying "the network is broken."

My last system was designed to test IP connectivity to the paging service
and send a "network down" page to all admins via TAP. All other
notifications were sent only via IP due to simplicity, speed, and cost.


Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking