ML Admin Panel

you may remember that steve gibbard asked to step down from the
nanog mailing list admin panel. two weeks ago, the steering
committee, with the ml panel, issued a call for volunteers to
replace steve. the deadline was today.

there were four volunteers, all of whom deserve our thanks for
offering to serve, and in a difficult and rarely pleasant role
at that. they were
  David Barak <>
  Marlon Borba <>
  Josh Richesin <>
  Stephen Wilcox <>

the sc invited the ml panel to our semi-weekly conference call
to get their input on the candidates. all ml panel attended
except one. the ml panel then left the call, and the steering
committee discussed qualifications in general (see appended),
the candidates, the ml panel recommendations, and made our

stephen wilcox has been asked to serve on the ml admin panel
replacing steve gibbard. stephen, thanks for volunteering.

the sc, and probably nanog as a whole, deeply appreciates the
willingness of all of the volunteers to serve. we hope those
not chosen will come back next time. considering the onerous
nature of the job, this may be sooner than we all might wish.

and steve gibbard, you have been a hero. you were a calm and
helpful presence in the nanog evolution process, and then
worked long and patiently on the ml panel. we all really owe
you deep and wide thanks for your work.

randy, for the sc