Mixed analogies - was(Network Solutions Dropped...)

The following should be attributed to Michael Dillon:

> Networks Solutions seemed more definite. "It is
> not our intention to share .com or the others [domains] we
> register," Network Solutions spokesman
> Christopher Clough said. "Those would obviously [be] assets that
> we've developed . . . much as Microsoft
> wouldn't share DOS," its proprietary software.

Perhaps a better analogy would be an OS like BSD which was developped
partially with NSF funding. Or Linux which also has NSF funded components.
Of course, those are both being shared ...
Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting

If the government of Fairyland decides to let a contractor
maintain the Database of Hypothetical Numbers, who owns the
database? Does it matter if the contractor allows people to
add Imaginary Numbers and Unreal Numbers?

Lee Howard Internet Systems Engineer
(703)208-5231 UUNet High-speed Install
lhoward@uu.net Do I speak for UUNet? [NO]

That's the question. In addition, it seems like Network Solutions thinks
they own the *data* if not the database.

If the government of Fairyland decides to let a contractor
maintain the Database of Hypothetical Numbers, who owns the

   One would submit that the CONTRACTUAL arrangement between parties in
this instance -- and any legal instrument asserting such an arrangement
would be subject to review.

Does it matter if the contractor allows people to
add Imaginary Numbers and Unreal Numbers?

   In this particular frame of referrence, the difference between
imaginary and unreal numbers being...?

Lee Howard Internet Systems Engineer
(703)208-5231 UUNet High-speed Install
lhoward@uu.net Do I speak for UUNet? [NO]

All the best,
Robert Mathews.