minimum requirements for a full bgp feed

Hello All,

If I wish to purchase a Cisco router that handles a full internet BGP feed what are the minimum specs I should be looking at?

Mark Bojara

If that is your ONLY requirement you can probably get a 4500M or 4700M
cheap on EBAY. With 128Mbyte memory and IOS 12.0 it can handle a full


Well it must also be able to do QoS aswell

Oh, you want it to forward packets also? How many PPS/How much bandwith?

but I take it thats pretty much standard in most 12.x IOS's..

Well, if you plan to run anything other than 12.0 you can forget about the
full table. :slight_smile:


Mark Bojara wrote:

Hello All,

If I wish to purchase a Cisco router that handles a full internet BGP feed what are the minimum specs I should be looking at?

Mark Bojara

Somewhat on topic, saw this today

     CSCef51906 Bug Details
       Headline BGP: reduce CPU impact of scanner
Product all Model Component bgp Duplicate of Severity 3 Severity help Status Resolved Status help
First Found-in Version 12.2S All affected versions First Fixed-in Version 12.3(12.3)T, 12.2(27.7)S
Release Notes
This ddts reduces the amount of CPU required by the "BGP Scanner" process.