.mil dns problems?

Anyone seeing trouble resolving some .mil hostnames consistently today? Specifically those below:


Antonio Querubin
808-545-5282 x3003
e-mail/xmpp: tony@lava.net

https://www.my.af.mil/ = SSL Cert not verified, but otherwise working
fine. http://www.dco.dod.mil/ is not working.

a message of 10 lines which said:

Anyone seeing trouble resolving some .mil hostnames consistently today?

Yes, most DNS servers of .MIL are unresponsive:

% check_soa mil
There was no response from EUR2.NIPR.mil
CON2.NIPR.mil has serial number 2010052701
There was no response from PAC1.NIPR.mil
There was no response from PAC2.NIPR.mil
There was no response from CON1.NIPR.mil
There was no response from EUR1.NIPR.mil

% check_soa mil
There was no response from EUR1.NIPR.mil
There was no response from CON2.NIPR.mil
There was no response from CON1.NIPR.mil
There was no response from EUR2.NIPR.mil
There was no response from PAC2.NIPR.mil
There was no response from PAC1.NIPR.mil

DoS attack, may be?

* Stephane Bortzmeyer:

DoS attack, may be?

Looks more like a routing issue. Looks like the .MIL operators put
all their eggs into one basket. 8-(

don't. Go figure.


I'm seeing A records for both of these locally, the 2nd one is even Akamai'zed. :slight_smile:

