Microsoft Product Informational Resources

After reading NANOG for a few years now and I have found the information
here to be very helpful. After sharing the wealth of information I have
found here with some of the members of the MIS department here, they
asked if there might be some similar organizations with a focus on
Microsoft system and network administration. They have access to the
MSDN services; however, they were particularly interested in an
organization not directly affiliated with Microsoft that might have a
comparable level of knowledge as those in NANOG do regarding networking.
If anyone has any ideas for such resources, the suggestions would be
greatly appreciated. Also if there are past threads that I might have
overlooked regarding this subject and someone will point me that
direction, I will gladly search the archives again. Thank you to all
for the great information in the past and any future suggestions.

Ben Arnold
Network Operations
VPNtranet, L.L.C.