MIA: oregon-ix.net

As some of you have noticed, the BGP4 route containing the address for
route-views.oregon-ix.net has disappeared a while ago (mid-October?).
Their website seems to be gone, and I swear, I couldn't resolve
the domain for a little while just now. Has the Oregon IX been shut down?

Their route-server was probably the best-connected one, with the most
views, of any public route server I am aware of (please prove me wrong,
but do not torment me with any web-based looking glasses :slight_smile: .

Nothing like having to poke around 10 other RS's to establish that
rogue AS 26212 really only has 1, 6402 and 2914 as their upstreams.


  i'm not sure about the dns for the domain (i suspect the
appropriate people are at ietf.. infact i know i saw their faces
on the mcast stream) but you can reach it by ip.

  - jared

There is a second one as well which is Its a little more responsive, but with less peers.


route-views is up & happy -



Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services
Computing Center University of Oregon
llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774/Cell: 912-7998

telnet to the domain works fine from here?

confirm you have it correct- route-views.oregon-ix.net

I was getting dns resolver errors earlier back.

  (like the zone expired)

  it appears someone fixed something since.

  - jared

I too was seeing DNS timeouts on the servers I was asking.


pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services
Computing Center University of Oregon
llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774/Cell: 912-7998

bind problem...


Mental note to self: never rely on results of an investigation
you did a few days ago - *gulp*

Indeed the resolver problems I had as well have triggered my email
to the list, but I had previously investigated the "disappearance"
of the network route-views.oregon-ix.net lives in - it plainly
disappeared from my own site's BGP4 views. I am receiving other
/24's out of though (plenty of them), and route-flap
dampening didn't kill it. Surely not a PBMS (problem between
monitor and chair), and I expect a reaction from the NOC responsible
through the regular support channel shortly.

Thanks to Joel Jaeggli and Lucy E. Lynch from UO Academic User Services
for pointing out the man behind the curtain that is BIND :slight_smile: Go Ducks!
