MGE UPS Systems

I'm curious if anyone might know what the future of the MGE line of UPS
systems are. My concern is that they're dead-end since being merged into
APC, and APC wanting to sell me APC stuff. The problem I face is that my
facility was designed with separate equipment spaces, which is great for
normal electrical gear that can be backed against a wall, but not so
great for a product which is designed for the "everything goes in with
your racks" mindset. Any insight would be appreciated.


I'm curious if anyone might know what the future of the MGE line of


systems are. My concern is that they're dead-end since being merged


APC, and APC wanting to sell me APC stuff. The problem I face is that


facility was designed with separate equipment spaces, which is great


normal electrical gear that can be backed against a wall, but not so
great for a product which is designed for the "everything goes in with
your racks" mindset. Any insight would be appreciated.


It looks like they are still available in the product selector on the
APC website.

If you're wondering about long term someone from their sales dept. can
probably tell you if they plan to keep the product line or discontinue

We have 3 big Comet systems, and we're absolutely delighted with them. Their service is the best we receive from any vendor we deal with.

Or are you talking about Eaton's?

Dixon, Justin a �crit :

While I still have a bunch of MGE Comet systems running, we did take one electrical room and replace them with Symmetra PX's, It did require some conduit work as they were moved from the wall to the center (but they are not as deep as a Comet) , to give the required cleareances. These are not your typical bottom of the rack units (although they come in their own racks). We have them equipped for 125KVA

Love the Comet's, I would check with APC regarding product lifecycle.

We have 3 big Comet systems, and we're absolutely delighted with
them. Their service is the best we receive from any vendor we deal

I'll second that. We have a 50 KVA MGE Comet and it has been rock solid, and
their support is excellent.

Or are you talking about Eaton's?

History (as I recall it).

Schneider Electric bought MGE late 2003
Schneider Electric bought APC late 2006
  (and merges APC/MGE product line, which has overlap)
Schneider Electric sold "small" MGE product line
  to Eaton late 2007 (these are the office/small business
  type UPSs, as I recall, and overlapped the APC
  consumer/office/small business offerings).

I do not know the plans regarding how Schneider
Electric will deal with the remaining overlap in
the high end APC/MGE UPS business.

We asked our local APC rep that exact question last week. He told us that the MGE line of UPSes fill a whole that APC doesn't have in their own lineup, and they will continue being sold as the product for folks absolutely require a typical double-conversion online UPS. As opposed to the 'hybrid' model of the Symmetra...

It didn't sound to me like they were planning on getting rid of the MGE line at this point.

- Erik