Metcalfe strikes again!

Danger! Danger Will Robinson! The network is no longer a monopoly!
There's no single point of control, or of failure! No single person knows
everything that's going on! Central capacity planning isn't possible!

Um, excuse me, but why is this a bad thing? (Rhetorical, don't answer.)

We feel this is a 'Good' thing. For example, there are two companies
with DS3's in Utah. One goes up and down the other stays up all the time. Which
one do you think we go with? Also, there are many companies that think they can
be a 'high speed/T1/T3/OC48' provider and not know what they are doing. The
week will get weeded out. And the ones who know what they are doing will stay

Sorry for the fluff comment, but an observation: Even the weak will not
necessarily get weeded out if they're in the ISP/NSP business. Especially
if they start out in the ISP world and get enough of a revenue base.

Christian Nielsen
Vyzynz International Inc.,CN46,KB7HAP
Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953
Private Email - Christian@Nielsen.Net BOFH - PS :slight_smile:
