message from California Governor's Office of Emergency Services

SACRAMENTO-In response to the Cal ISO declaration of a Stage 3
Electrical Emergency issued today at 0145 thru 2400, the State OES
has issued the following message to all California emergency services

'Critical Information
Please notify Emergency Services Managers, Fire and Law Enforcement

Emergency services personnel (Law-Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Local
Offices of Emergency Services) throughout California should be
advised that the California Independent System Operator, the entity
that coordinates statewide flow of electrical supply, did declare a
Stage 3 Emergency effective today's date at 0145 thru 2400HRS. At
this time PG&E is dropping firm load of 500 mega watts in Northern
California (Rolling Black-outs). We do not have information on
specific areas effected.

All Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Offices of Emergency Services
management personnel should be notified of this message, as incoming
call volumes and requests for assistance may increase during this
time. Local energy suppliers may be able to provide more detailed
information on potential or actual local impacts.'