Meet NANOG's New Executive Director! N91 Agenda is LIVE! + More

Meet NANOG’s New Executive Director!
VIDEO - Interview with Jonathan Black

Jonathan Black has been appointed NANOG Executive Director

In his new role, Jonathan will be responsible for the organization’s operational management and will collaborate with the NANOG Board to refine, articulate, and implement NANOG’s mission and strategic plan.

Find out more about Jonathan’s background + vision in a video interview with NANOG’s content producer Elizabeth Drolet.


NANOG 91 Agenda is LIVE!
Sync Your Calendars Now!

All NANOG 91 programming is now available on the NANOG website.

:green_heart: Download saved talks to your calendar.
All saved talks will also show on your appointment calendar.


New NANOG 91 Conference Kit Available
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Help us spread the word about NANOG 91!

All N91 materials, including messaging, logos, and graphics, needed to promote our next meeting are accessible on our website. Download and share with your community today!


Jonathan, I wish you a warm welcome!

Kind regards,
