Measuring BGP routes results

Well, seems the best response is to rip it from perl or use
expect scripts.

Anyone thought of perhaps using Zebra/bgpd since the code can be
modified and can live on the server doing the graphing/calculations?

I'll have to look into this.

Thanks for all replies.

Le Ven, 23 Ao�t 2002 14:01:23 -0700, a �crit:

    > Anyone thought of perhaps using Zebra/bgpd since the code
    > can be modified and can live on the server doing the
    > graphing/calculations?

There's something called the Python Routing Toolkit from sprint labs
that gives you a python class called Bgp that you can use to make a
session with a router and recieve updates parsed into a dictionary. If
you glue that to some other classes/scripts/whatever you can do real
time graphing and calculations. It would be easier than hacking zebra
to do this, I think.


Anyone thought of perhaps using Zebra/bgpd since the code can be
modified and can live on the server doing the graphing/calculations?

We do something like this by running Zebra at a bunch of places and
pushing the logs to a central DB where our CGI scripts can get them.

From here, we can do graphing/calcuations, etc.

See for a better idea. Some of the
docs pages are slightly out of date...
