[ MDVSA-2009:054 ] nagios (fwd)

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I hate to be pedantic but is this something that should get forwarded
to NANOG? I guess the relevance is justified because a lot of network
folks run Nagios...?

Eric Gearhart wrote:

I hate to be pedantic but is this something that should get forwarded
to NANOG? I guess the relevance is justified because a lot of network
folks run Nagios...?

No, it's offtopic. I mean, CVE-2007-5803? Really? Even stranger, they mention a CVE which is 2.x based, and then upgrade the 3.1 packages. heh. I'm not sure who's slipping, mandriva or Gadi.



I didnt find this OT, considering its scope.

Want to dictate policy? Join the MLC.

Till then, /dev/null


pew pew

Eric Gearhart wrote:

pew pew pew

Thanks for the professional response there bud

As long as network operators related vulns don't start showing up every couple of months or so, I think so.