MCI WorldCom fiber cut - Syracuse, NY

Andrew, by far one of the best explanations I've read! Excellent
illustrations. You're suppositions are indeed correct.

In addition to which, fiber doesn't emit a nice electrical signature that
can be detected easily, making it hard to avoid. Plastic, glass,
fiberglass, kevlar and the other elements of most fiber runs lay invisible
to many detection devices that rely upon metals content or electrical
impulse emission (crosstalk, noise, EMF...) for detection purposes.

Now, some have written that we should encase these things with various
high-strength metals. I'm not willing, as an end consumer, to bear the
increased overall costs being passed to me, because $VBC laid 10,000 miles
(16 000 km) of protectively-encased fiber. Costs would be staggering. In
addition, repairs and splices more difficult in those situations where a
backhoe manages to ding up one of these things and cause an actual cut.

In my part of Ohio, the engineering maps get updated way to infrequently
to suit my comfort level. We have a 3 year old fiber run into our NOC
that is still not known to most of the high-cap techs that come out here.
In fact, the local gas company was boring new pipe into the ground a few
months ago, and weren't even aware of the fiber laying 50 feet (17 m)
away. All other services we're clearly marked. As already stated, since
fiber doesn't kill, people are complacent and wreckless around it.


Andrew Odlyzko wrote a while back:
< Could the explanation be simpler? Effects of gas pipeline and
< water main breaks tend to be localized because they supply
< commodity goods, and there is local storage (and, especially in
< case of water, local supplies) of those. Hence such breaks
< affect fewer people. The gas supply to my kitchen does not
< depend on maintenance of uniform pressure in all the gas pipelines
< from the well off the shore of Louisiana all the way to New Jersey;
< my supplier has enough gas stored around here to keep pumping for
< quite a while even if a pipeline in Kentucky is cut. On the other
< hand, when a fiber gets cut in Ohio, and I am trying to get some
< bits from California, it does not help me to know that somebody
< in Pennsylvania has terabits on her server that she is willing
< to ship to me.
< Andrew

"Matthew D. Lammers" wrote:

Andrew, by far one of the best explanations I've read! Excellent
illustrations. You're suppositions are indeed correct.

In addition to which, fiber doesn't emit a nice electrical signature that
can be detected easily, making it hard to avoid. Plastic, glass,
fiberglass, kevlar and the other elements of most fiber runs lay invisible
to many detection devices that rely upon metals content or electrical
impulse emission (crosstalk, noise, EMF...) for detection purposes.

When gas installers lay underground plastic gas lines (I have such
running to my backup generator) they lay a wire in the ground next to
the pipe. The wire is not attached to anything at the ends, just wrapped
around the gas line where it comes out of the soil. The idea is to use
this with a signal generator/receiver, much like the devices we use to
chase down wire pairs. Addition of an electrical conductor, with
attachment points for tracers might make a LOT of sense.

The next thing done when an underground gas pipe is laid, is a mylar
film is buried, a foot or so above the pipe, which has all kinds of
warnings on it about the gas line below. The tape is mirror-reflective
mylar. It's sure to catch some attention if the backhoe operator doesn't
wail right through and beyond... Perhaps those laying fiber should
consider (perhaps they already do?) such methods.

It's unclear if there are laws against putting up "gas pipeline, do not
dig" signs where there really aren't gas pipelines, but that might be
another way to deter the backhoes...

Finally, though, I wonder if any of the fiber cable manufacturers have
data on the susceptibility of their jacket material to the various gases
pumped by the gas pipeline companies. Laying the fibers inside active
gas pipelines would sure be a deterrent to those digging, though in the
case of a cut, you'd need a significant piece of fiber to replace that
part which had melted in the fire...

Let's not forget backhoe-operator school. Probably about 6 hours are
dedicated to safety around power lines, gas lines, etc. I don't think
"other utility" services and even mentioned.

Deepak Jain