MCI routing loop near Chicago

MCI administrator(s):

Whilst attempting to contact host '' (NS1.USR.COM).

From Net-Nation (TIER-1 peering with BIG PIPE, LEVEL 3, MCI, VAIX):

3 ( 0.580 ms 0.716 ms 0.618 ms
4 122.ATM2-0.GW1.VAN1.ALTER.NET ( 0.727 ms 0.898 ms 1.122 ms
5 ( 1.518 ms 1.171 ms 1.150 ms
6 ( 47.873 ms 48.239 ms 47.895 ms
7 POS7-0.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET ( 47.759 ms 47.986 ms 47.879 ms
8 ( 50.134 ms 50.505 ms 49.439 ms
9 Serial4-8.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET ( 49.412 ms 49.208 ms 49.800 ms
10 ( 51.736 ms 50.326 ms 50.194 ms
11 Serial4-8.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET ( 50.191 ms 49.972 ms 50.192 ms
12 ( 51.314 ms 51.605 ms 52.499 ms
13 Serial4-8.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET ( 54.37 ms 53.607 ms 54.81 ms

For what its worth if someone from US Robotics is listening, neither of
your two listed nameservers are reachable from Western Canada as tested
from Net-Nation, the Shaw and Telus residential networks, and the Telus
business network.



MCI administrator(s):

Ehm... seriously, you as a customer should know the NOC
email address of them, right? At least that traceroute
indicates you are one, or the host from where it starts.

From Net-Nation (TIER-1 peering with BIG PIPE, LEVEL 3, MCI, VAIX):

And that is crap, sorry to say.

Please, post to NANOG if you have to and if there is no way
out. And kindly explain what you did before and what did not
work when you post such stuff.


As Alexander Koch pointed out I could have been more detailed in my post
with respect to methods attempted to notify the relevant parties prior
to posting to the NANOG list.

With that in mind, after roughly two hours of attempting to notify MCI
through the available channels receiving only two responses, both from
MCI (US Robotics can not respond, their poor DNS setup has left me with
no means to contact them via e-mail (NS2.RACKSPACE.COM doesn't appear to
know about USR and their primary is unreachable to me and additionally
through several on-line DNS lookup engines I tried)) I felt that I would
post to NANOG as a last resort.

For what its worth the auto-generated ticket number I received from
MCI's "" address was: 2005062102342. The other response
I received was an "Out of Office Autoreply" from

Hope that helps,



and help4u probably isn't going to fix this as it's clearly the customer's
loop, not mci's... traffic looping from

11 Serial4-8.GW6.CHI6.ALTER.NET ( 50.191 ms 49.972 ms
12 ( 51.314 ms 51.605 ms
52.499 ms

(gw == edge/aggregation device, '' == cpe)

is a 'customer problem'. Help4u will likely have responded with a 'not our
problem, but thanks' (or something polite and along those lines). Thanks
