Mbone access


I am not very familiar with Multicasting technologies, but how can I get
access to the Mbone? My DSL provider does not allow Mbone access. Is there
anyway I can get a DVMRP tunnel to my Cisco 2611 router at home from
someone? I have a static IP. Please let me know! Thanks!


Nobody should be giving out new dvmrp tunnels these days
to any sort of peers. It would be nice if people were unable
to configure dvmrp anymore.. but that's another topic.

  What you want is a pim sparse-mode tunnel from someone, or
your DSL provider to support multicast.

  There needs to be some education out there that multicast
is not bandwidth consuming. People have this idea in their head
from the "dvmrp" days that having multicast will use 10M+ of
bandwidth to have multicast. This is just *not the case*.

  - Jared

Please do not get DVMRP - you can run PIM-SM. We will sell you a PIM-SM tunnel
at cost. If you e-mail me your dsl provider's name and contact info off
list I will see if we can beat on them from this end.

Also, I would direct such questions to the IPMulticast mailing list, not to NANOG :


Eddie Parra wrote:

Also a decent link here is the networks
that offer multicast services:


  While i'm sure it's incomplete it has contacts for a number
of the providers that offer multicast services.

  - jared

Jared Mauch wrote:

        Also a decent link here is the networks
that offer multicast services:

IP Multicasting Blog | Expert Insights and Practical Tips

        While i'm sure it's incomplete it has contacts for a number
of the providers that offer multicast services.

        - jared

> Please do not get DVMRP - you can run PIM-SM. We will sell you a PIM-SM tunnel
> at cost. If you e-mail me your dsl provider's name and contact info off
> list I will see if we can beat on them from this end.
> Also, I would direct such questions to the IPMulticast mailing list, not to NANOG :
> http://www.ipmulticast.com/techcentral/mailinglist.htm
> Eddie Parra wrote:
> >
> > Anyone,
> >
> > I am not very familiar with Multicasting technologies, but how can I get
> > access to the Mbone? My DSL provider does not allow Mbone access. Is there
> > anyway I can get a DVMRP tunnel to my Cisco 2611 router at home from
> > someone? I have a static IP. Please let me know! Thanks!
> >
> > -Eddie
> --
> Regards
> Marshall Eubanks
> Multicast Technologies, Inc.
> 10301 Democracy Lane, Suite 410
> Fairfax, Virginia 22030
> Phone : 703-293-9624 Fax : 703-293-9609
> e-mail : tme@on-the-i.com http://www.on-the-i.com

Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net
clue++; | Jared Mauch's Home Page My statements are only mine.

I hate to say it, but this list is seriously dated. I do not believe that it has
been updated since early 2000 and they do not respond to my repeated e-mails.