
Does anyone anyone know if there is still someone working at, Paul . . . ?

The phone works but is redirected to 408-453-6277 and seems to loop.

Best Regards,


You're probably thinking of -- is an
  entirely different and unrelated project.

  I don't know what they're up to these days. ("P.Schroebel") writes:

Does anyone anyone know if there is still someone working at,
Paul . . . ?

The phone works but is redirected to 408-453-6277 and seems to loop.

lots of people work at MAPS (whose domain is still. i
have no affiliation with them any more (other than as a happy customer),
so i don't know anything about their phone setup. ("P.Schroebel") writes:

> Does anyone anyone know if there is still someone working at,
> Paul . . . ?
> The phone works but is redirected to 408-453-6277 and seems to loop.

lots of people work at MAPS (whose domain is still. i
have no affiliation with them any more (other than as a happy customer),
so i don't know anything about their phone setup.
Paul Vixie

Greetings Paul,

I knew the correct domain but, didn't want to make a stir about it. I will
try and get through to them as I have some old data that needs to be cleaned
up. Good to hear from you, hope all is well. I think the last time we spoke,
I was putting in a new chiller for Barry Gosnell at MAE EAST on Boone Drive
in Vienna . . . They tore down the coffee shop and put up a parking lot

Thank You,
