mail traffic

Hi everybody,

I'm working for an ISP who manages several countries. On 11/13, we
noticed that our incoming traffic
was divided by 2 (SMTP hits). All the countries we manage were affected by.

Did you enconuter the same problem ?


Problem? That aint a problem. Just that mccolo got taken down and
half the bots around suddenly stopped.

The view here is see McColo thread.

Spamcop and DCC report significant drop coincident with McColo going offline.

I just wish I could say the same about local spam volumes.

We were blocking most bot spam thanks to the CBL and greylisting, so I suspect
that the received volumes won't be affected that much.

Still someone should probably prod law enforcement, as this counts as
circumstantial evidence of criminal activity :wink:

Problem? That aint a problem. Just that mccolo got taken down and
half the bots around suddenly stopped.

Unfortunately, the bots themselves are still there, and may come back to
life in the near future (or be re-infected by the Next Bot Model).

I hope that someone already analyzed the bots and found out how they will
try to contact their masters in such a case...

-- Matthias