Lsass.exe oddities

> McAfee's Stinger takes care of this, or at least supposedly does.
> maybe some of you guys on the ISP sides can
> place a copy in a public ftp for your users.

McAfee's Stinger is copyrighted software. Redistribution without
permission or license from McAfee may not be wise. McAfee's sales
people are very particular about not letting people redistribute
their software without paying McAfee.

Indeed you are correct. I should have made mention of it, although I would
hope most would understand that and check those TERMS OF AGREEMENTS. I
post links to the page so users can go directly there and get it for
themselves but on the flip side I maintain a copy for those 80 year olds
who one would spend hours trying to walk them through typing into an
address bar. "Where do I find the start menu"

Maybe Microsoft should be the one to dish out money and have a tool
similar to it bundled in XP that'd auto download and auto scan their OS
instead of leaving it to ISP's having to explain every other week that yet
another virus is affecting them, and it has nothing to do with
connectivity. Oh well. Apologies for not being specific on those licensing