lots of prepends

Today was announced by AS20912 with 177 prepends. I noticed 20912 modulo 256 is 176. AS47868 modulo 256 is 252 which matches this mondays prepend-incident.

So, what router OS will put 20912 into a byte and thus end up with 176 in something like "set as-path prepend last-as <no of prepends>" ? It needs to be fixed.

Has anyone noticed any ill effects with IOS and using "bgp max-as"? Will it just drop any prefixes with long as-paths and no other ill operational effects?

Just seen that here too:

Feb 19 16:20:35: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 8001 8928 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 received from More than configured

Our AS path limit is 100 which is way too high in my opinion but
regardless I was trying to figure out any logic in this.... I can
remember prepending one of our upstreams 4X at one point thinking that
was a bit nuts .... thankfully we don't prepend anyone these days....


Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

Today was announced by AS20912 with 177 prepends. I
noticed 20912 modulo 256 is 176. AS47868 modulo 256 is 252 which matches
this mondays prepend-incident.

So, what router OS will put 20912 into a byte and thus end up with 176
in something like "set as-path prepend last-as <no of prepends>" ? It
needs to be fixed.

Has anyone noticed any ill effects with IOS and using "bgp max-as"? Will
it just drop any prefixes with long as-paths and no other ill
operational effects?

No ill effects here, but I never saw the others before this one, and I'm
only seeing it via 3561.

010308: Feb 19 13:08:13.455 PDT: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 3561 3257
8928 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912
20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 20912 received from More
than configured MAXAS-LIMIT


The only ill effect is if set it too low.... we tested it a bit at 20-30 AS path length range figuring we shouldn't see *much* and it was staggering over time. The unfortunate thing more related to your question is that we found some AS's that were prepending 40-50 times to ALL their upstreams so with max-as set too low we had no routing to them at all!

We've had it set to 100 for quite a while now and no side effects....


Hi all,

I am writing on behalf of AS8928.
We have changed our BGP policy against AS 20912 to allow maximum of 20 AS prepends.

Our NOC will communicate this issue to customer and when I will have some news why this happened I will update NANOG list.

Best Regards
Tomas Caslavsky

The only ill effect is if set it too low.... we tested it a bit
at 20-30 AS path length range figuring we shouldn't see *much*
and it was staggering over time. The unfortunate thing more
related to your question is that we found some AS's that were
prepending 40-50 times to ALL their upstreams so with max-as set
too low we had no routing to them at all!

aha! an idiot filter. this could be a feature, not a bug.
