Lots of non-existant networks


This might be of interest to other people so I'm expanding the Cc.

Would you settle for 3-4 for now?




If you border ANS:


Later there will be a page for for any AS regardless as to whether it
borders ANS that will provide any problem prefixes that transit that
AS (the AS is somewhere in the path other than the origin). These
will be of the format:


This gives you an easy way to see if there are any problems with your
direct customers.

If one of the above doesn't exist (as is the case for
origin-AS2914.html). I could always just create a page with a name of
the format http://engr.ans.net/route-dumps/AS###.html for each AS
whether it had problems or not and link to the border, transit,
origin, and overlap reports for that AS if any. This isn't done yet.
