Lots of non-existant networks

The route-dumps anaylsys page has been updated. It provides quite a
bit more detail, some ANS specific (sorry). The URL is:


New stuff on this page are:

  Listing by border AS - so we know who we can bug if a reachability
  problem is reported and we know how much will be missing due to
  filtering on a per border AS basis. It also helps us concentrate on
  routes passed to us by our direct customers. This would be useful
  to others if they peer with some of the same border AS.

  Reports now include (as of the most recent one):

    2477 unregistered prefixes
    240 prefixes unreachable due to incorrect origin AS
    2 prefixes with no ANS policy
    15 prefixes with incorrect ANS policy

    2074 prefixes registered with incorrect origin AS (a warning)

  Each problem category is also sorted by border AS and origin AS

  Pages are available which report on only a specific border AS and/or
  origin AS. These are useful to anyone wanting to clean up their own
  AS, since the observed paths for each prefix is provided.

  Information is available down to the prefix, with observed AS paths
  reported, as well as the [sort of encrypted - consider it a bug] ANS
  policy in cases where ANS policy is thought to be the problem.

Of the 22 border AS with any unregistered prefixes (46 with some sort
of problem or warning), the worst offenders are the border AS with
over 90 unregistered prefixes:

  AS174 (149),
  AS286 (94),
  AS568 (166),
  AS701 (550),
  AS1239 (1131),
  AS1800 (443).

There are 398 origin AS with unregistered prefixes, most with just a


btw- the "15 prefixes with incorrect ANS policy" both seem to be due
to a transient where we intentionally do not accept a backup route
from the CIX for certain providers we directly peer with yet the CIX
was announcing one. The "2 prefixes with no ANS policy" are one
prefix origin AS and we addressed this after the report.


We started tracking this kind of information too... Check out:


We're hoping that these tools make it easier for the community to
diagnose and troubleshoot these types of routing and policy problems.

Let us know what you think of them...

-abha :wink:


I am confused as usual. E.g.



    GREY (4553) 2914 IGP

Yet the registered policy is

    descr: RG-TIG-NIC-0
    origin: AS2914
    remarks: this is non-portable space, no shorter prefixes allowed
    notify: rw@rg.net
    mnt-by: MAINT-RGNET
    changed: randy@psg.com 960829
    source: RADB

So what is inconisitent about this?


Grumble -- growing pains.-/