Lots of big web sites broken...SPOF

Here is the latest we got:

An isolated issue occurred Monday May 24, 2004 (roughly during the period
of 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. ET), where multiple Akamai customers experienced
intermittent performance and availability degradation.

This degradation was the result of a bug within one of Akamais backend
content control management tools, which allows the expiration of content
on the Akamai network. The degradation was not a result of any outside
interference with Akamais network (such as Denial of Service or hacking).

Upon identification of the bug, Akamai quickly took corrective action
which returned customers to normal service levels. Akamai is currently
putting measures in place to return the content management tool to its
normal working order and is adding safeguards such that the issue will not
occur in the future. In the meantime, Akamai customers are able to serve
their content through the Akamai Network normally.