Loose Source Routing

From: "Walters" <bwalters@inet-direct.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 21:19:26 -0600
Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu

Couldn't this be restricted to originate from certain
hosts with certain identities? (Have the peer noc
authenticate and then just log usage?)

This is really not too useful. How you route to our NOC is not as
important as how you route to our customers. That means LS packets
need to have source addresses from fairly random places.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634

Kevin wrote:

> From: "Walters" <bwalters@inet-direct.com>
> Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 21:19:26 -0600
> Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu
> Couldn't this be restricted to originate from certain
> hosts with certain identities? (Have the peer noc
> authenticate and then just log usage?)

This is really not too useful. How you route to our NOC is not as
important as how you route to our customers. That means LS packets
need to have source addresses from fairly random places.

More to the point, there is no COMPELLING REASON to perform such

People who are afraid of LSRR should feel free to turn it off at their
hosts. Operators who discover that their performance is degrading due
to too much LSRR may have legitimate issues, but I think of them as
"bridge that gap when we come to them" -type issues. (Obvious
solutions include rate-limitting.) Personally, I think this is
unlikely to happen ("famous last words").
