Looking for W7 whois freeware

I am looking for a Window 7 GUI utility that does raw whois - not the standard domain lookup, but rather allows me to specify and change the whois server I am talking to and allows me to customize the whois search string for IPs or ASNs or anything else a whois server will accept, like:
"-B -G as378".

I know of ezwhois but am looking for something better (for example - they don't have whois.ripe.net listed - one can add it but not save it).


Did you try this one Hank?


Did you try this one Hank?


That is not a whois client. Doesn't come close to what I need. Thanks anyway.


Bah. "Built in, simple whois client" indeed.

It's not a GUI, but whois under Cygwin has always worked well for me.


I use Launchy (a keystroke launcher similar to GnomeDo, Quicksilver, etc)
and it's Runner plugin with some bat scripts that reference the builtin
whois DOS/CLI command to create my own.

So for example, to look up an IP at ARIN I just hit my hotkey (Atl-Space)
and type arin <tab> <IP> enter. My bat script really just runs whois, sizes
the command prompt window, and waits for user input before disappearing.

I'm happy to share my scripts off list if you are interested.


I am looking for a simple Windows GUI s/w for a secretary to use to do whois lookups for IP and ASNs and to easily copy/paste the results. Amazing that there is no such beast.


Set up


Point her browser at it. Problem solved?

I drove the Ping, Traceroute, Dig and Whois requirements of a Tier 2/3
Helpdesk with this tool for several weeks - several years ago, I
suppose, but I still have a copy running which I use occasionally when
I'm trapped behind web-only internet access.


Geoasn is web based splunk product.


I am looking for a simple Windows GUI s/w for a secretary to use to do
whois lookups for IP and ASNs and to easily copy/paste the
results. Amazing that there is no such beast.

Use your internal company webserver and write a simple CGI form that she
can fill out and hit enter. This way you can simply control the results
if you ever find out that you are not getting what you want.

You could have that CGI also email out the results to her mailbox and
yours just so you can keep an eye on it.