Looking for tw telecom folk to resolve IPv6 access to their site

IPv6 access to TW Telecom's website, www.twtelecom.com, has been down almost
continuously since Wednesday evening. For dual-stacked users browsing their
site but not using Google Chrome this can results in timeouts. I reached
out to their NOC twice. The second time the site did come back up for a few
minutes, but then went down again. Is anyone from tw telecom on this list
that can resolve this, or can forward this to a contact?

Logs below (Central Time).


[07-01-2011 15:26:06] SERVICE ALERT:
www_twtelecom_com;HTTPv6;CRITICAL;HARD;1;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10
[07-01-2011 15:25:06] SERVICE ALERT:
www_twtelecom_com;HTTPv6;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10
[07-01-2011 15:04:56] SERVICE ALERT: www_twtelecom_com;HTTPv6;OK;HARD;1;HTTP
OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 24462 bytes in 0.338 second response time
[06-29-2011 21:19:37] SERVICE ALERT:
www_twtelecom_com;HTTPv6;CRITICAL;HARD;1;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10
[06-29-2011 21:18:37] SERVICE ALERT:
www_twtelecom_com;HTTPv6;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10

server:/tmp# wget -6 www.twtelecom.com
--2011-07-02 08:36:12-- http://www.twtelecom.com/
Resolving www.twtelecom.com... 2001:4870:800d:fe1::11
Connecting to www.twtelecom.com|2001:4870:800d:fe1::11|:80... failed:
Connection timed out.

--2011-07-02 08:36:34-- (try: 2) http://www.twtelecom.com/
Connecting to www.twtelecom.com|2001:4870:800d:fe1::11|:80... failed:
Connection timed out.

--2011-07-02 08:36:57-- (try: 3) http://www.twtelecom.com/
Connecting to www.twtelecom.com|2001:4870:800d:fe1::11|:80... failed:
Connection timed out.

Missed something.

Anyhow it is down for me too; v4 works and v6 doesn't using telnet to check.
The linux version of firefox eventually (about 5 mins) displayed the
page; (linux again) chrome did so right away. Wish both had a geek tool
to show the actual connections...

-- Pete

Hi all

It sure does, thanks. One mystery here is that the socket entries
appear after some of the successful reads; the site started loading in
the logs between the v6 and v4 socket entries. (though maybe v6 works
once in a while?)

And clearly twtelecom has traceroute blocked toward the web site but v4
and v6 end up looking similar; one hop without reverse dns after an
obvious border router line, followed by lots of timeouts.

-- Pete

I'd like to see someone develop a plugin that had some kind of battery-meter
style display of what percentage of the page and its elements (in bytes)
were obtained via v4 versus v6.

Google Chrome's pseudo-happy eyeballs (HE) implementation helps with it
loading almost right away.


Using Chrome's dev channel (14.x), you can use experimental APIs and ipvfoo to see what IP protocols were used to reach the server for a page and its components:


  It's got a couple bugs (something to do with cached entries, I haven't quite puzzled it out), but it's evidently more telling than Firefox+ShowIP.
  AFAIK there's no byte counters or correlation between IPs and the elements that were fetched from them.


Thanks. That's a bit more what I want than the other two plugins I use
(which just tell me is that FQDN has a AAAA), but as you pointed out, ipvfoo
doesn't give an indication of how much of that page is v4 or v6.
