Looking for piece of undersea cable

Hey all,

I'm looking for a piece of undersea cable to use for educational purposes
and was hoping somebody would have a section they can part with. Doesn't
need to be a big piece, really any size will work. I can pay for shipping
and the cable, if needed.


I would also love to have a section of one just for the heck of it in my

Tanzania looks to have a peace they wouldn’t miss … grab your scuba gear we’ll go swimming :slight_smile:


Great excuse for taking long walks at the beach, even in the cold. I used
to see great snarls of cable on the beach when I was growing up on Long
Island -- and later learned that I was looking at the history of
transatlantic communication. Bring a hacksaw.

Don't most folk get this with a cargo ship and an anchor?

Great excuse for taking long walks at the beach, even in the cold. I used
to see great snarls of cable on the beach when I was growing up on Long
Island -- and later learned that I was looking at the history of
transatlantic communication. Bring a hacksaw.

Don't most folk get this with a cargo ship and an anchor?

too expensive. use a fishing boat.

No, silly! These are the wrecked ones, those great balls of twisted-up
frayed cable that wash up on the beach. Not a live wire! They're kind of
haunting and atmospheric -- but should be able to get a good slice out of
them somewhere.