Looking for Netflow analysis package

Does anyone know of a netflow collector that will do the following.


Is anyone using an open source solution to process netflow v9 captures?
I'm waiting for SiLK v3 for some time now, which is currently only available for TLA's and Universities.

Currently looking into nfdump.


pmacct does this pretty nicely (along with a couple other things)


Check out argus http://www.qosient.com/argus/

Netflow v9 support was added within the last few months.


Is anyone using an open source solution to process netflow v9 captures?
I'm waiting for SiLK v3 for some time now, which is currently only available for TLA's and Universities.

Currently looking into nfdump.


Does anyone know of a netflow collector that will do the following.


From: Laura Smith [mailto:leavingin13@yahoo.com]

<UCE snipped out>

-------------"Meshier, Brent" wrote: ------------

Do not appreciate the cold call from Plixer. Please do not use the
NANOG mailing list as your personal directory for sales leads. It's a
sure fire way to get your company blacklisted among IT professionals.


-------- tcannon@beatsmusic.com wrote: ----------
From: Thomas Cannon <tcannon@beatsmusic.com>

That wasn't in your signature's disclaimer. Perhaps now would be a good
time to add it?

You haven't been here long have you...

He DOES NOT need a 260 word signature (see below!) to make sure he does
not get UCE from posting to NANOG. For any other sales folks out there
considering doing this, Brent's warning is a good one: "It's a sure fire
way to get your company blacklisted among IT professionals."


ps. WTF is this?!?
**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** The material contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of securities. The decision of whether to adopt any strategy or to engage in any transaction and the decision of whether any strategy or transaction fits into an appropriate portfolio structure remains the responsibility of the customer and/or its advisors. Past performance on the underlying securities is no guarantee of future results. This material is intended for use by institutional clients only and not for use by the general public. Portions of this material may incorporate information provided by third party market data sources. Although this information has been obtained from and based upon sources believed to be reliable, neither Amherst Holding

s, LLC nor any of its affiliates guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein, and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies in such third party data or the data supplied to the third party by issuers or guarantors. This report constitutes Amherst’s views as of the date of the report and is subject to change without notice. This information does not purport to be a complete analysis of any security, company or industry, including but not limited to any claim as to the prepayment consistency and/or the future performance of any securities or structures. To the extent applicable, change in prepayment rates and/or payments may significantly affect yield, price, total return and average life. Our affiliate, Amherst Securities Group, L.P., may have a position in securities discussed in this material.

Actually, I think Thomas Cannon was making the opposite point - that if
he's going to spam us all with a 260 word disclaimer, it could have been
expanded to 263 words and add 'No cold calls'. Or just have that and lose
the other 260 words that make absolutely no sense on a NANOG posting.

Do you believe that Brent wrote the disclaimer attached to his message? Despite y/our opinions of such disclaimers, legal counsel in some companies still mandate their automatic attachment on all outbound messages. The only means of avoiding them is to subscribe to mailing lists from a personal e-mail account. Unfortunately these companies usually also have policies prohibiting your accessing personal e-mail accounts from company owned resources which can minimize the usefulness of some lists. In other words, just because we might work for "enlightened" companies doesn't mean all our colleagues can or do.

Well put.

There's another way.

Educate the technology-challenged people who mandated the disclaimer.

Is anyone using an open source solution to process netflow v9 captures?
I'm waiting for SiLK v3 for some time now, which is currently only
available for TLA's and Universities.

Currently looking into nfdump.

To drag this back on topic, yes I'm currently using nfcap/nfdump to capture and parse Netflow v9. It's not as tidy as I'd like but it does the job.

If you want something you can just point and shoot, nfsen ties those two tools together into one config file.

Op 20-5-2013 0:40, Cameron Daniel schreef: