Looking for "National" NAPs

I'm updating my list of who is connected to what public exchange point.

Here is my current list

   Exchange IP Network
   CIX 149.20
   Sprint/NY NAP 192.157.69
   AADS/Chicago NAP 198.32.130
   PACBELL/SF NAP 198.32.128
   MAE-East 192.41.177
   MAE-West 198.32.136


After last time I had requests to list several additional exchange points.

To keep things manageble for myself, I'm limiting myself to "National"
NAPs which meet the following three criteria:
    - Located in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean), my French
  and Spanish language abilities are limited
    - At least five different providers attached and operating
    - At least one attached provider with their headquarters in
  a non-adjacent state, province, island (Alaska and Hawaii
  can count any other state as non-adjacent, Rhode Island can't)

I'm trying to automate this, so next time I'll try to get Europe and Asia
exchange points; but for now this is the NANOG list.

If you operate such an exchange point I'd like to add it to my exchange
point connection cross-matrix. Please send me 1) a brief name for the
exchange point, 2) IP network used for the exchange point, 3) the in-addr
name server for the exchange point *OR* if you don't allow AXFR access
a copy of the in-addr BIND file for the IP addresses.

If you are attached *BUT DO NOT OPERATE* an exchange point, please let
the exchange point operate contact me.

Important: I must be able to independently verify that the connections
exist at the exchange point. I normally do this by sending a few (10-20)
PINGs at the ip addresses several times over 24 hours. If your router is
down for more than 24 hours, I may not count it. Press releases do not count.
Last time I got fooled by some old IP address being re-assigned to new
providers; I've flushed my data so this will be based on fresh data. I
want to complete this before the NANOG meeting, so I request you let me
know before Wednesday, Oct 22, 1997.