Looking for information about LD regulation

Apologies if this is too off topic. We (a group of state govt
organizations) are working together in a VoIP rollout. Our plan is to
use our collective buying power to purchase long distance calls at
wholesales rates. One organization in our group is going to be the lead
agency and charge back the other participants. There is concern as to
the legality of this venture. Can anyone suggest some legal resources
where I might educate myself on the issue of "who can 'sell' long
distance"? What are the rules that might apply in our situation?


You might want to try asking on the isp-clec list.


First thing to do is for the lead agency to ask its legal counsel if *it*
is legally able to resell service - whatever legalistics chartered the agencies
existence may very well specify what sort of activities it may or may not
engage in.....