Looking for Fiber Plant Management software

Good morning, NANOGers. My colleague at work wonders if anyone has suggestions for software to database all our fiber plant that we're constructing. We started out with paper, then Excel spreadsheets in a folder and on paper in a book, but clearly as our plant grows and we do more splicing this is not going to scale. We have started a MySQL database with a few tables, but wonder if someone has already invented this wheel.

What do the "big boys" use? Homegrown solutions developed in-house and jealously guarded? Something standard? Expensive or cheap? Free open-source? He'd like to see...

outside plan facilities: cables, fibers, splice points, poles; copper and fiber, preferably, but fiber is more important
"circuit" or "DLR" that knows what elements are involved in a circuit
GIS integration so that cables can be drawn on a map automagically
low cost, of course

Thanks in advance, everyone.

-- Jeff Saxe, Network Engineer
Blue Ridge InternetWorks, Charlottesville, VA
434-817-0707 ext. 2024 / JSaxe@briworks.com

I've got a client who uses AutoCAD. They use it exclusively and have a pretty big fibre network for someone who's not an ILEC, so I guess it works fairly well.

Most of the ones I have seen (2 out of 3) were inhouse/home-grown solutions.

I believe the other was provided by SA (Scientific Atlanta). I tried to do a quick search on it and it appears that product may now be provided by Cisco in partnership with SA.

Best of luck

OSP Insight. Pricey but an excellent tool for OSP documentation.

We use Fiberworks from Enghouse. Its built atop ArcObjects and all data is stored in an ARCGIS geodatabase, providing good flexibility to get the data brought up on ArcGIS Server (Web) for web-based editing.

The good thing about this system is that it can also be used for design of FTTH as well, and makes it possible to produce for-construction as well as as-built drawings (with cut sheets & etc.)


Our sister company (Xit telecom) which does OSP engineering/consulting/GIS can help implement this system.

