Looking for an opinion on Colo Solutions/Orlando colocation

Hi there,

Our next POP deployment is going to be in Orlando (mainly supporting that
CLEC client that I mentioned earlier last week).

Can any one share their "good/bad/ugly" experiences with "Colo Solutions"
there? We had a brief conf call with their sales engineer but looking for
real-world experiences/comments from folks that have had or currently is
colocating hear there.




You need to be in Orlando proper? I have colo in Melbourne.


Thanks Tom, I will you keep in you mind if/when Melbourne gets into the
picture. Right now it's Orlando proper.


I've worked with Colo Solutions twice in the past, very pleased.

"Knuckles" has to be one of the nicest NOC engineers that I've run across, hopefully he hasn't found any greener grass.

As to the facility, top-notch power and environment protection, but they were a little bit soft on their 48VDC offering when compared to a traditional telco facility. Carrier neutral, and everyone is in there, They have a lot of 1/2 or 1/3 rack customers, so lots of diversity in customer base.

Reply off-list if you need more info.

Eric Miller
Rapid Systems
Tampa, FL

Thank you Eric.


I had space with them for 6 plus years. I was very happy with them. Ed, Their Network Engineer is great at what he does and is a very helpful guy to work with. Overall I give them my highest recommendation for any place in that area.
