Looking for a ping plotting tool for *nix

Download PingPlotter | Mac, Windows, or Linux, Plus FAQs

As best I can tell, that's for Windows only. I wish there were a Unix

Download PingPlotter | Mac, Windows, or Linux, Plus FAQs

As best I can tell, that's for Windows only. I wish there were a Unix

I use mtr:


Nice little console/curses app.

Should be in net/mtr for BSD/ports folks.

this is not as cool as smokeping, but i stuck together a couple
shell scripts to use with mrtg, check http://mrtg.broken.com/

i stuck the ping scripts i used at http://mrtg.broken.com/mrtg-ping.tar.gz
for now.. pretty kludgy, and only runs every 5 minutes, but it works for
me maybe someone else will find it useful also :slight_smile:
