Looking for a ping plotting tool for *nix

Hey folks.

I'm searching for a tool that will continuously (once per second or .5 second) ping every hop on a specified path (or ping a list of hosts) and somehow plot/graph/track packet loss and latency/jitter.

Looking for something that can run as a service on Unix, and can do some easy reporting in a tabular or graph form.

Thanks for the input.

- Dani

Check out smokeping:





Thanks.. I needed that also. WOW! --Mike-

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:52:36 -0800
From: dani-post@roisman.com

I'm searching for a tool that will continuously (once per
second or .5 second) ping every hop on a specified path (or
ping a list of hosts) and somehow plot/graph/track packet loss
and latency/jitter.

Without 1) starting a flame war or 2) insinuating that you would
engage in bad behavior, all hops are within your network, right?

Consistent pinging across others' networks is generally frowned
upon. (And, no, I can't recall the RFC off the top of my head,
nor whether it said "MUST NOT" or "SHOULD NOT" -- I believe the



Yep, all on my network and a couple hops up my ISP's egress, so I'm paying for it. Gotta keep an eye on the isp's backbone and mpls tunnel availability - '5 nines' is great, but I need to know when that .001 of failure is happening.

And regarding the pingplotter post - that is for Windows only, would be nice to have a daemonized version for unix that is a bit more tame (IMHO pingplotter works at a bit of a high packet rate to be run for more than a couple minutes at a time).

Thanks for the suggestions!
- Dani

mtrwill repetitively ping every hop on the path, but you'll likely have to
do some work if you want it to be totally auto..

        Brian Whalen

Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 00:20:58 -0800
From: Brian <bri@sonicboom.org>

mtrwill repetitively ping every hop on the path, but you'll
likely have to do some work if you want it to be totally auto..

D'oh! How could I forget: rrdtool.org

You'll need to do a bit of work, but it'll provide the graphing
ability. The site links to several examples of what one can do;
there might even be something available that's close to what you
