
(sorry I'm not on the outage list)

Any clues as to what the problem is at the Library of Congress? Appears to
be DNS. Is it a DDOS?


I see http://congress.gov/ is out too.

Both loading in SF over Comcast without issue

I see http://congress.gov/ is out too.

(sorry I'm not on the outage list)

Any clues as to what the problem is at the Library of Congress? Appears to
be DNS. Is it a DDOS?


These both load for me.


Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance

Attorney at Law / Legislative Consultant
Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook
Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
Member, Elevations Credit Union Member Council
Member, Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Member, Board of Directors, Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation
Former Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop
Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose

Available for consultations by special arrangement.
amitchell@isipp.com | @AnnePMitchell
Facebook/AnnePMitchell | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell

Oh yes, seems to be fixed. It was a fairly lengthy outage.

In article <CAM9VJk1Y+4_E0egS6STZ4_RWpoYUshJbKm0A_VYUPVucJRd7AQ@mail.gmail.com> you write:


Works fine for me on Roadrunner in central NY.


It was out for about 45 mins AFAICT

Both work for me in Boston.

Isn't that a problem that suggests its own solution?

Actually, now I go to https://www.nanog.org/list/faq/other

I don't see any such thing, just http://www.outages.org/ where the latest
report is 2013.

Also "See *http://www.isp-lists.com/* <http://www.isp-lists.com/> for many
other topic-specific lists." takes one somewhere else entirely!


I'd be interested to know the answer to this one as well, as I've gone
looking for the outages list in the past and found the same result.

Have isitdownorjustme sites simply superceded the need for such lists?

The outages.org website appears to be stale, but the mailing list is
alive and well. Subscription and archives are at:





- - Mitchell
(sent mobile)

a message of 37 lines which said:

Have isitdownorjustme sites simply superceded the need for such

isitdownorjustme-type sites are very limited: one vantage point, and
few (or none) indication of the methodology they use. And there is not
only the Web!

Networks must be tested with more focused tools, from many
places. For exemple RIPE Atlas probes

There are two lists, depending on whether you're reporting an ongoing
outage, or just talking about one:

