Load Balancing Multiple DS3s (outgoing) on a 7500

Does anyone know of an article, or documentation regarding load balancing the traffic on 3 or more FastEthernet interfaces on the outgoing direction? Right now we’re running BGP internally, and the routes that are being chosen based upon the final BGP decision step or what I like to call the ‘IP address tie breaker’ which is not always optimal. We have a cisco 7500 that is connected to 4 other Cisco 7500s which each have 45Mbps ds3s to the Internet, we would like to load balance the outgoing traffic across all 4 of these 7500s, can anyone shine any advice my way? I noticed that there are instructions on Cisco’s site regarding doing LB on 12000s.

Anyways thanks in advance :wink:


Load balancing with BGP is the same on any cisco router.

Are you doing BGP with the routers on the other side of those DS3s? If you are, you will need their help in load balancing properly. Get them to allow you peering with a loopback interface and use equal cost static routes to do the load balancing to that loopback interface.


I suspect that each FE goes to a different AS...


We've been corresponding privately, and you got it right (unlike me).

He'll be okie. It's just a little difficult for BGP to "load balance" outbound bits when the bulk of the Internet these days is 2 AS hops away from each of four upstreams. Not impossible, but it doesn't happen by default either.

In that case, sample/count outbound traffic volumes by (prefix/AS/AS_PATH/something), sort the resulting list, and develop an import policy based on the top N entries which shares the traffic by tweaking some other attribute to avoid the last-resort tie-break.

Or bypass the measurement part, and make wild guesses about where your traffic is going, and apply an import policy based on that. Either way, lather, rinse, repeat.

There might be something relevant in the slot I did in this tutorial in Richmond Hill:



He'll be okie. It's just a little difficult for BGP to "load balance"
outbound bits when the bulk of the Internet these days is 2 AS hops
away from each of four upstreams. Not impossible, but it doesn't
happen by default either.

I used to do this ages ago, I did it by setting MEDs on the incoming BGP
prefixes, in my route-maps I arbitrarily gave some nets (/8s or smaller) lower
med on one feed and higher on the others to influence path selection.

I shy away from anything but the gentlest of tweaks so I personally wouldnt mess
with as-path, localpref, weight etc


The tool "ehnt" is pretty useful for generating a "top" style list of
ASes in order of the amount of traffic you're sending their way.

By the way, w/r/t to the tiebreaker stuff, note that (on Cisco devices)
if you don't have "bgp bestpath compare-routerid" set, the route that
was received first will be preferred. This minimizes route-flap, but can
cause weird shifts in your traffic patterns when one bgp session or
another goes down (credit goes to Mark Nagel for figuring out this one
for me).

Yeah, probably a good idea not to use Weights, but not sure about AS_PATH. Nothing wrong with a prepend here or there, IMHO. :slight_smile:

But also nothing wrong with setting the MEDs if you like. Just be fore to have "always compare MED" on, or MEDs between multiple providers are not useful (which you obviously had set or this wouldn't work).

I kinda like setting the origin code. No one pays attention to it, but it is in the selection criteria. that way you can use MEDs from the same provider and still influence routes between providers.

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Joe Abley wrote:


I suspect that each FE goes to a different AS...

In that case, sample/count outbound traffic volumes by
(prefix/AS/AS_PATH/something), sort the resulting list, and develop an
import policy based on the top N entries which shares the traffic by
tweaking some other attribute to avoid the last-resort tie-break.

Or bypass the measurement part, and make wild guesses about where your
traffic is going, and apply an import policy based on that. Either way,
lather, rinse, repeat.

There might be something relevant in the slot I did in this tutorial in
Richmond Hill:


And products from folks like Proficient Networks and Routescience can
automate the process for you.

- --

Hi Drew -

We have 6 backbones distributed across two 7507s and we messed around
with a lot of different ways to make this happen. MEDs, Weights, manual
BGP configurations every time one of the connections would get
overloaded (even at 2am), you name it - we tried it, and in the end we
determined that we needed something that could keep an eye on everything
and do it automatically within guidelines I had set.

In the end, we headed the route of performance-based routing
optimization hardware. After testing many different vendors, we choose
the RouteScience PathControl box to make my life (as well as the life of
my lead backbone engineer) much, much simpler.

About a month or two ago, there was quite a discussion on
route-optimization hardware on the list including a lot of different

If you do a search on the list for RouteScience or route optimization,
you should hit the core of the discussion around the different platforms.

If you need more info, feel free to contact me off-list.

Also, check out:


for some general guidelines, pitfalls, etc. (The paper linked from the
presentation recently appeared in ACM Sigcomm CCR.)



Something that was just released that you might be interested
in if you haven't already found an alternate solution.


It's a new feature in 12.3(8)T.
