Livingston & BGP & multicast USENET (was blah blah blah)


> Will IP multicast help with the usenet stuff?

  Tangental question.

Kurt Lidl and company's excellent MUSE paper, presented at
USENIX in Winter 1994 details early attempts to distribute
news via the MBONE.


On the final hand, NNTP distribution is much less broken
than Web distribution, and the latter distribution problem
probably deserves to be attacked first.

Just released yesterday:

A Protocol for the Transmission of Net News Articles over IP multicast.


Just released yesterday:

A Protocol for the Transmission of Net News Articles over IP multicast.

Actually this is a quite horrible protocol. It is not reliable and you
still need to run regular news feeds. If anyone is really interested in
writing a good reliable multicast new protocol I suggest you read this
internet draft:

       Title : The Multicast Dissemination Protocol (MDP) Framework
       Author(s) : J. Macker, W. Dang
       Filename : draft-macker-mdp-framework-02.txt
       Pages : 14

And while at it someone write something better than INND. This bag of
c programs, shell, awk, and sed scripts needs to be put to rest. Cheers.


Aleph One /
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61 8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01

% If anyone is really interested in writing a good reliable multicast
% new protocol I suggest you read this internet draft:
% Title : The Multicast Dissemination Protocol (MDP) Framework
% Author(s) : J. Macker, W. Dang
% Filename : draft-macker-mdp-framework-02.txt
% Pages : 14
% Date : 06/06/1997

Joe Macker happens to have freely distributable source code. Folks
interested in MDP and IMM (not INN) might want to goto this URL:

Folks seriously working on reliable multicast protocol design
should look into the IRTF Reliable Multicast Research Group...



(My apologies for following up on myself.)

  Someone suggested in private email that I should provide a full
reference for the prior art on USENET/IP-Multicast back to the NANOG
Here it is. However, this thread probably should migrate to some other
(more appropriate) place like the mboned list and off of NANOG...
