live chat with other nanog'ers

IMHO the best place to chat with other NANOGers would be... this mailing-list. Moderated, scriptkiddie-less, no would-be-hackers, mostly on-topic subjects. IRC has become a place for children and teenagers willing to raise their egos' stamina.

Marlon Borba, CISSP.

here's the real challenge. i would like to chat to a couple of
dead nanog users.


Easy. Tightly and carefully wrap between between 3 feet foot to 1m of fiber around a crystal ball, degree of cloudiness is irrelevant as long as not completely opaque, illuminate by indicator lights of routing gear of choice, voila. Reverse winding depending on hemisphere. Tune length of fiber and grade of fiber to suit communication needs. Works like a champ.

Perhaps we need to teach a tutorial on this during a BOF at the next meeting.

> here's the real challenge. i would like to chat to a couple of dead

nanog users.

Rename thread to "dead chat with other nanog'ers" and then it will just
work, no ?

Unless you have a prayer, you haven't got a prayer.

punctuation is all...

  dead nanog, users
  dead, nanog users
