Links on the blink - what will/should mci & sprint do?

Can a 7500 being fed a single routing view switch IP packts among 6 OC3 AIP
cards running point-to-point AIP-AIP OC3 links to other 7500s at reasonable
speeds, one wonders.

If you change "Can" to "Will", this is unclear right now.

What apparently is clear (at least to me) after much
beating up of the 7500 series beta boxes we got to
play with in ICM land and the 7500 series software
in the Cisco test lab, is that SprintLink's plan to
use 7500s in the four new cities (Atlanta, Kansas City,
Cheyenne and Seattle) that will be on-line imminently
is reasonable.

Firstly the 7500s, even without the smarter technology cards
in development by Cisco will currently handle the load
requirements of those cities. Secondly since everything
currently is done in the RSPs, we have opportunities to try
quick and experimental changes to the IOS software at very
low-levels that don't exist with the 7000+SSP (but
presumably if the proofs-of-concept work really well we can
get a port done). Thirdly, there are some very cunning
ideas being proposed by various hardware people for making
the 7500 do interesting things on the switching front that
very probably will get the router to deal with the kinds of
loads you're asking about. Finally, the key advantage of
the 7500 is the much better ports-per-dollar and
ports-per-rack numbers over the 7000s using current
technology, and even better numbers as Cisco rolls out the
type of channelizing hardware we have been asking for.

Specific performance questions wrt the Cisco 7500 series
should probably be asked through your favourite Cisco
information channels. I'm pretty sure everyone's going
to find out how well 7500s work in practice, backbone-wise,
Real Soon Now.

The big risk, naturally, is that the platform just doesn't
hold up in practice, which would force us to do a redesign
along the lines of what Gordon has been asking about.
Frankly, though, I'm not too worried. Many very smart
people have put alot of work into making sure the 7500
doesn't become a complete corporate embarassment for Cisco.


Sean writes:

Thirdly, there are some very cunning
ideas being proposed by various hardware people for making
the 7500 do interesting things on the switching front that
very probably will get the router to deal with the kinds of
loads you're asking about.

COOK: does this mean that there is some way to get the cisco to behave
like the cascade switch I asked about?? If not what in general does it mean?

Finally you said if the 7500 doesn't perform well then you might have to
do the redesign I asked about.... meaning going to an atm switched
backbone with routers at the periphery of the backbone??