links on the blink (fwd)

Are you sure that creative ways of using lots of smaller T3 bandwidth
boxes couldn't solve the problem?

There are hard architectural limits on the number of core routers in
the defaultless backbone. Backbone has to have a relatively small
number of BGP speakers, to avoid severe routing information propagation

There _are_ "creative ways", see for example SprintLink presentations
on NANOG, the planned "3-dimensional grid" backbone topology (it allows
to grow the aggregate capacity to about OC-3). However, you inevitably
run into capacity limitation of LAN interconnects. Then, there's a
problem with load balancing, as it generally cannot be done with exterior
protocols which have to select a single path. (And there's no easy
way to do per-destination load distribution on a large scale).

It's only a kludge to survive until (and if) somebody will build real
central-office routers.

If you are right, then yes it sucks. Obvoiusly the ATM and OC3
technologies are right where you have pegged them, but what about
parallelism using existing DS3 technology? And if this is done, are there
mux/demux boxes that can handle DS3's<->OC3 ?

There are boxes which can *statically* mux/demux OC-192 to DS-3s.
Synchronous muxes is not a high technology, being basicallly decorated
shift registers.

One nice side effect is that this may force the video-on-demand folks off
the Internet and into straight ATM instead. I rather like the future
scenario where the globe is girdled by an IPng data network and a separate
parallel video/ATM network.

That already happened. I would rather see things going in opposite
deirection. (For VOD applications ATM is adequate, as it only demultiplexes
big pipes from VOD servers into small access pipes; there's no backwards
data flow, and no statistical multiplexing).

However, the utility of VOD is very questionable, as the basic need to see
the movie quite adequately and cheaply satisfyed by low-tech video rentals.
It is not a "killer application", definitely. Video telephony and distributed
computing network can be such applications but they beg for symmetrical IP
