Line cut in Mediterranean?

Getting reports from a third party vendor that there's been a line cut in the Mediterranean that is affecting some Internet traffic. Anyone have any details?

Hello James,

Getting reports from a third party vendor that there's been a line cut in the Mediterranean that is affecting some Internet traffic. Anyone have any details?

SMW4 :

"SEACOM can confirm that at 06:20 GMT 27 March, the SMW4 cable system
suffered a cable cut off the coast of Egypt. Earlier this morning,
SEACOM had restored all services on both SMW4 and IMEWE cable systems.

SEACOM is currently in the process of prioritizing and reallocating
already available capacity for customers and sourcing further capacity
to re-establish full restoration.

We will update further as information becomes available."


Getting reports from a third party vendor that there's been a line cut
in the Mediterranean that is affecting some Internet traffic. Anyone
have any details?

smw4 is down, off the north coast of egypt:


Getting reports from a third party vendor that there's been a line cut in the Mediterranean that is affecting some Internet traffic. Anyone have any details?

See the outages list:

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,

Thanks for the quick responses, great information!

Yes smw4 issues across Egypt.

In India (and Pakistan also) services are badly impacted.

Here in India most of traffic from major networks is going via East Asia
route and we are experiencing latency of over 700ms with US and Europe from
last few hours.

Maybe it was because of this: Global Internet Slows after 'biggest attack
in history'

Huasong Zhou

Kalorama Group, LLC
1000 Potomac Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, D.C. 20007
Mobile: +1 763 221 6784
Email: <>

Well, it's not just SMW4 outage, we've been witnessing serious issues on
IMEWE for couple of weeks now and this outages just made it worse.
So, right now most of the traffic taking east bound routes.
Who needs DDoS at this stage, these links are already chocked up :slight_smile:

quite a few EU to India cables are impacted right now 4/7 down.

Via renesys

The BBC has a similar story:

Dear James, all,