Level 3 voice outage

Is anyone noticing issue with Level 3 voice? I can't even call their 800 number using one of my other carriers.


We just got a notification from one of our upstream Voice providers that
they are seeing problems both inbound and outbound that seems to be Level 3

*Ben Hatton*

Network Engineer

Haefele TV Inc.




Yes, major outage:

Customers all over the mid-atlantic region are down.

Level 3 has issues nationwide today. We have voice outages at our offices
in multiple cities, Chicago and out west.

Major Level 3 outage; they are currently not taking support calls.

We can't make any LD calls through Level3 either.

Thank you,
Shane Heupel

Boise Idaho is affected.......

There's all sorts of people online reporting problems with Level3 voice services - we're down for outbound calling, inbound is spotty. Their portal is unreachable, can't get to any of their #'s...seems like the world is on fire over there.

We were a previous TW Telecom customer before Level3 bought them out, the service quality has definitely degraded since then.

There's a long thread over at the outages list. Sign-up for the outages
list is at https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/outages and the archive
for the whole thread starts at

Matt Freitag
Network Engineer I
Information Technology
Michigan Technological University
(906) 487-3696 <%28906%29%20487-3696>

Our upstream Voice provider is also having inbound issues with numbers that were ported into their system, but the main trunk number is working.


Our provider is down as well. Saying Level 3 issues. Anyone know what's
going on or and ETR?

Twitter is blowing up ( https://twitter.com/hashtag/outage ) and their
website (www.level3.com) is down for me so yeah... I'd say they're having a
frowny face day.

When will L3 notify their customers for the outage?!? According to l3
twitter account their are aware of the voice impact and working on it

We are back in action here in MA.

Patience Obi Wan ! They are investigating the root cause and like most root causes they don’t just hold out a flag and say here I am !!!

We are seeing high latencies and loss of transit through Level3 in Southern California.

Level 3 has opened Global Ticket 115724: Network devices in multiple markets in North America are rebooting, impacting IP services.”

This could be DoS attack.

Or a missing comma in a code update.

Or a fumble-fingered NOC monkey.


You have any reason to suspect a DoS attack rather than all the other

Sure. The recent release of the IoT DDoS attack code in the wild.


Multiple reboots across several markets... Does not seem something that
full pipes would trigger. Had it been an approved chance it would have been
rolled back i guess... On the other hand, a zero day could apply...

765 Gbps per second directed at a router’s interface IP might give the router pause, so to speak :slight_smile:


Multiple reboots across several markets... Does not seem something that full pipes would trigger. Had it been an approved chance it would have been rolled back i guess... On the other hand, a zero day could apply...

Sure. The recent release of the IoT DDoS attack code in the wild.
