Level 3 statement concerning 2/23 events (nothing to see, move along)

If an IP-based system lets you see the status of the 23 hospitals in San Antonio graphically, perhaps overlaid with near-real-time traffic conditions, I'd rather use it as primary and telephone as secondary.

Counting on it? No. Gaining usability from it? You betcha.

Brian Knoblauch wrote:


  I can't sit by here while people speculate about the possible
problems of a network outage.

  I think that most everyone here reading NANOG realizes that
the Internet is becoming more and more central to daily life even
for those that are not connected to the internet.

  From where i'm sitting, I see a number of potentially dangerous
trends that could result in some quite catastrophic failures of networks.
No, i'm not predicting that the internet will end in 8^H7 days or anything
like that. I think the Level3 outage as seen from the outside is a clear
case that single providers will continue to have their own network failures
for time to come. (I just hope daily it's not my employers network :wink: )

  So, We're sitting here at the crossroads, where VoIP is
"coming of age". Vonage, 8x8 and others are blazing a path that
the rest of the providers are now beginning to gun for. We've already
read in press releases and articles in the past year how providers
in Canada and the US are moving to VoIP transport within their long-distance

  I keep hear of Frame-Relay and ATM signaling that is going
to happen in large providers MPLS cores. That's right, your "safe" TDM
based services, will be transported over someones IP backbone first.
This means if they don't protect their IP network, the TDM services could
fail. These types of CES services are not just limited to Frame and ATM.
(Did anyone with frame/atm/vpn services from Level3 experience the
same outage?)

  Now the question of Emergency Services is being posed here but also
in parallel by a number of other people at the FCC. We've seen the E911
recommendation come out regarding VoIP calls. How long until a simple
power failure results in the inability to place calls?

  Now, i'm not trying to pick on Level3 at all. The trend I
outline here is very real. The reliance on the Internet for critical
communications is a trend that continues. Look at how it was used
on 9/11 for communications when cell and land based telephony networks
were crippled.

  The internet has become a very critical part of all of our lives
(some more than others) with banks using VPNs to link their ATMs back into
their corporate network as well as the number of people that use it for
just plain "just in time" bill payment and other things. I can literally
cancel my home phone line, cell phone and communicate soley with my
internet connection, performing all my bill payments without any paperwork.
I can even file my taxes online.

  We're at (or already past) the dangerous point of network
convergence. While I suspect that nobody directly died as a result of
the recent outage, the trend to link together hospitals, doctors
and other agencies via the Internet and a series of VPN clients continues
to grow. (I say this knowing how important the internet is to
the medical community, reading x-rays and other data scans at home for the
oncall is quite common).

  While my friends that are local VFD do still have the traditional
pager service with towers, etc... how long until the T1's that are
used for dial-in or speaking to the towers are moved to some sort of
IP based system? The global economy seems to be going this direction with
varying degrees of caution.

  I'm concerned, but not worried.. the network will survive..

  - Jared


  I keep hear of Frame-Relay and ATM signaling that is going
to happen in large providers MPLS cores. That's right, your "safe" TDM
based services, will be transported over someones IP backbone first.
This means if they don't protect their IP network, the TDM services could
fail. These types of CES services are not just limited to Frame and ATM.
(Did anyone with frame/atm/vpn services from Level3 experience the
same outage?)

  Is your concern that carrying FR/ATM/TDM over a packet
  core (IP or MPLS or ..) will, via some mechanism, reduce
  the resilience of the those services, of the packet core,
  of both, or something else?

  We're at (or already past) the dangerous point of network
convergence. While I suspect that nobody directly died as a result of
the recent outage, the trend to link together hospitals, doctors
and other agencies via the Internet and a series of VPN clients continues
to grow. (I say this knowing how important the internet is to
the medical community, reading x-rays and other data scans at
home for the oncall is quite common).

  Again, I'm unclear as to what constitutes "the dangerous
  point of network convergence", or for that matter, what
  constitutes convergence (I'm sure we have close to a
  common understanding, but its worth making that
  explicit). In any event, can you be more explicit about
  what you mean here?




>> I keep hear of Frame-Relay and ATM signaling that is going
>> to happen in large providers MPLS cores. That's right, your "safe" TDM
>> based services, will be transported over someones IP backbone first.
>> This means if they don't protect their IP network, the TDM services could
>> fail. These types of CES services are not just limited to Frame and ATM.
>> (Did anyone with frame/atm/vpn services from Level3 experience the
>> same outage?)

  Is your concern that carrying FR/ATM/TDM over a packet
  core (IP or MPLS or ..) will, via some mechanism, reduce
  the resilience of the those services, of the packet core,
  of both, or something else?

  I'm saying that if a network had a FR/ATM/TDM failure in the past
it would be limited to just the FR/ATM/TDM network. (well, aside from
any IP circuits that are riding that FR/ATM/TDM network). We're now seeing
the change from the TDM based network being the underlying network to the
"IP/MPLS Core" being this underlying network.

  What it means is that a failure of the IP portion of the network
that disrupts the underlying MPLS/GMPLS/whatnot core that is now
transporting these FR/ATM/TDM services, does pose a risk. Is the risk
greater than in the past, relying on the TDM/WDM network? I think that
there could be some more spectacular network failures to come. Overall
I think people will learn from these to make the resulting networks
more reliable. (eg: there has been a lot learned as a result of the
NE power outage last year).

>> We're at (or already past) the dangerous point of network
>> convergence. While I suspect that nobody directly died as a result of
>> the recent outage, the trend to link together hospitals, doctors
>> and other agencies via the Internet and a series of VPN clients continues
>> to grow. (I say this knowing how important the internet is to
>> the medical community, reading x-rays and other data scans at
>> home for the oncall is quite common).

  Again, I'm unclear as to what constitutes "the dangerous
  point of network convergence", or for that matter, what
  constitutes convergence (I'm sure we have close to a
  common understanding, but its worth making that
  explicit). In any event, can you be more explicit about
  what you mean here?

  Transporting FR/ATM/TDM/Voice over the IP/MPLS core, as well as
some of the technology shifts (VoIP, Voice over Cable, etc..) are removing
some of the resiliance from the end-user network that existed in the past.

  I think that most companies that offer frame-relay which also
have a IP network are looking at moving their frame-relay on to their IP
network. (I could be wrong here clearly). This means that overall we need
to continue to provide a more reliable IP network than in the past. It
is critically important. I think that Pete Templin is right to question
peoples statements that "nobody died because of a network outage". While
I think that the answer is likely No, will that be the case in 2-3 years
as Qwest, SBC, Verizon, and others move to a more native VoIP infrastructure?

  A failure within their IP network could result in some emergency
calling (eg: 911) not working. While there are alternate means of calling
for help (cell phone, etc..) that may not rely upon the same network elements
that have failed, some people would consider a 60 second delay as you
switch contact methods too long and an excessive risk to someones health.

  I think it bolsters the case for personal emergency preparedness,
but also spending more time looking at the services you purchase. If
you are relying on a private frame-relay circuit as backup for your VPN over
the public internet, knowing if this is switched over an IP network becomes
more important.

  (I know this is treading on a few "what if" scenarios, but it could
actually mean a lot if we convert to a mostly IP world as I see the trend).

  - jared

We're already at that point. If the power goes out at home, I'd have to grab a flashlight and go hunting for a regular ol' POTS-powered phone. Or use the cell phone (as I did when Bubba had a few too many to drink one night recently and took out a power transformer). But I do have a few old regular phones. How many people don't?

Interactive Intelligence, Artisoft and many others are selling businesses phone systems that run entirely on a "server" that may or may not be connected to a UPS of sufficient capacity to keep the server running during an extended outage. These systems are frequently handling a PRI instead of POTS lines, so there's no backup when the UPS dies. One the "phone server" goes down, no phone service.

VOIP services have the same problem. Lights go out, that whiz-bang handy-dandy VOIP phone doesn't work, either.

Sure, we talking about the end user, not the core/backbone. But the answer to the question, strictly speaking, is that a simple power outage can result in many people being unable to make a simple phone call (or at best, relying on their cell phones... assuming the generator fired at their nearest cell when the lights went out).


> Is your concern that carrying FR/ATM/TDM over a packet
> core (IP or MPLS or ..) will, via some mechanism, reduce
> the resilience of the those services, of the packet core,
> of both, or something else?

  I'm saying that if a network had a FR/ATM/TDM failure in
the past it would be limited to just the FR/ATM/TDM network.
(well, aside from any IP circuits that are riding that FR/ATM/TDM
network). We're now seeing the change from the TDM based
network being the underlying network to the "IP/MPLS Core"
being this underlying network.

  What it means is that a failure of the IP portion of the network
that disrupts the underlying MPLS/GMPLS/whatnot core that is now
transporting these FR/ATM/TDM services, does pose a risk. Is the risk
greater than in the past, relying on the TDM/WDM network? I think that
there could be some more spectacular network failures to come. Overall
I think people will learn from these to make the resulting networks
more reliable. (eg: there has been a lot learned as a result of the
NE power outage last year).

  I think folks can almost certainly agree that when you
  share fate, well, you share fate. But maybe there is
  something else here. Many of these services have always
  shared fate at the transport level; that is, in most
  cases, I didn't have a separate fiber plant/DWDM
  infrastructure for FR/ATM/TDM, IP, Service X, etc, so
  fate was already being/has always been shared in the
  transport infrastructure.

  So maybe try this question:

    Is it that sharing fate in the switching fabric (as
    opposed to say, in the transport fabric, or even
    conduit) reduces the resiliency of a given service (in
    this case FR/ATM/TDM), and as such poses the "danger"
    you describe?

  Is this an accurate characterization of your point? If
  so, why should sharing fate in the switching fabric
  necessarily reduce the resiliency of the those services
  that share that fabric (i.e., why should this be so)? I
  have some ideas, but I'm interested in what ideas other
  folks have.



  I'm saying that if a network had a FR/ATM/TDM failure in the past
it would be limited to just the FR/ATM/TDM network. (well, aside from
any IP circuits that are riding that FR/ATM/TDM network). We're now seeing
the change from the TDM based network being the underlying network to the
"IP/MPLS Core" being this underlying network.

  What it means is that a failure of the IP portion of the network
that disrupts the underlying MPLS/GMPLS/whatnot core that is now
transporting these FR/ATM/TDM services, does pose a risk. Is the risk
greater than in the past, relying on the TDM/WDM network? I think that
there could be some more spectacular network failures to come. Overall
I think people will learn from these to make the resulting networks
more reliable. (eg: there has been a lot learned as a result of the
NE power outage last year).

Internet traffic should run over an IP/MPLS core in a separate session (VRF, Virtual context, whatever..) so the MPLS core never sees the full BGP routing information of the Internet. So long as router vendors can provide proper protection between routing instances so one virtual router can't consume all memory/cpu; The MPLS core should be pretty stable. The core MPLS network and control plane should be completely separate from regular traffic and much less complex for any given carrier. VoIP, Internet, EoM, AToM, FRoM, TDMoM should all run in separate sessions all isolated from each other. A router should act like a unix machine treating each MPLS/VRF session as a separate user, isolating and protecting users from each other, providing resource allocation and limits. I'm not sure of the effectiveness of current generation routers but it should be coming down the line. That said, the IP/MPLS core should be more stable than traditional TDM networks, the Internet itself may not stabilize but that shouldn't affect the core. What happened at L3 was an internet outage, that shouldn't in theory affect the MPLS core. Think back 10 years when it was common for a unix binary to wipe out a machine by consuming all resources (fork bombs anyone?). Unix machines have come a long way since then. Routers need to follow the same progression. What is the routing equivalent of 'while (1) { fork(); };'? Currently it is massive BGP flapping that chew resources. A good router should be immune to that and can be with proper resource management.


David Meyer wrote:

Is this an accurate characterization of your point? If
so, why should sharing fate in the switching fabric
necessarily reduce the resiliency of the those services
that share that fabric (i.e., why should this be so)? I
have some ideas, but I'm interested in what ideas other
folks have.

I think it has been proven a few times that physical fate sharing is only a minor contributor to the total connectivity availability while system complexity mostly controlled by software written and operated by imperfect humans contribute a major share to end-to-end availability.

From this, it can be deduced that reducing unneccessary system complexity and shortening the strings of pearls that make up the system contribute to better availablity and resiliency of the system. Diversity works both ways in this equation. It lessens the probablity of same failure hitting majority of your boxes but at the same time increases the knowledge needed to understand and maintain the whole system.

I would vote for the KISS principle if in doubt.



>> > Is your concern that carrying FR/ATM/TDM over a packet
>> > core (IP or MPLS or ..) will, via some mechanism, reduce
>> > the resilience of the those services, of the packet core,
>> > of both, or something else?
>> I'm saying that if a network had a FR/ATM/TDM failure in
>> the past it would be limited to just the FR/ATM/TDM network.
>> (well, aside from any IP circuits that are riding that FR/ATM/TDM
>> network). We're now seeing the change from the TDM based
>> network being the underlying network to the "IP/MPLS Core"
>> being this underlying network.
>> What it means is that a failure of the IP portion of the network
>> that disrupts the underlying MPLS/GMPLS/whatnot core that is now
>> transporting these FR/ATM/TDM services, does pose a risk. Is the risk
>> greater than in the past, relying on the TDM/WDM network? I think that
>> there could be some more spectacular network failures to come. Overall
>> I think people will learn from these to make the resulting networks
>> more reliable. (eg: there has been a lot learned as a result of the
>> NE power outage last year).

  I think folks can almost certainly agree that when you
  share fate, well, you share fate. But maybe there is
  something else here. Many of these services have always
  shared fate at the transport level; that is, in most
  cases, I didn't have a separate fiber plant/DWDM
  infrastructure for FR/ATM/TDM, IP, Service X, etc, so
  fate was already being/has always been shared in the
  transport infrastructure.

  So maybe try this question:

    Is it that sharing fate in the switching fabric (as
    opposed to say, in the transport fabric, or even
    conduit) reduces the resiliency of a given service (in
    this case FR/ATM/TDM), and as such poses the "danger"
    you describe?

  I think the threat is that the switching fabric and
forwarding plane can be disrupted by more things than exist in a
pure TDM based network. This isn't to say that the packet (or even
label) network isn't the "future" of these services, it's just
that today there are some interesting problems that still exist as
the technology continues to mature.

  Is this an accurate characterization of your point? If
  so, why should sharing fate in the switching fabric
  necessarily reduce the resiliency of the those services
  that share that fabric (i.e., why should this be so)? I
  have some ideas, but I'm interested in what ideas other
  folks have.

  I believe that there still exist a number of cases where the
switching fabric can get out-of-sync with the control-plane.

  If events are not properly triggered back upstream (ie: adjencies
stay up, bgp remains fairly stable) and you end up dumping a lot of
traffic on the floor, it's sometimes a bit more dificult to diagnose
than loss of light on a physical path.

  On the sunny side, I see this improving over time. Software
bugs will be squashed. Poorly designed networks will be reconfigured to
better handle these situations.

  - jared

    Is it that sharing fate in the switching fabric (as
    opposed to say, in the transport fabric, or even
    conduit) reduces the resiliency of a given service (in
    this case FR/ATM/TDM), and as such poses the "danger"
    you describe?

Sharing fate in the physical layer (multiple fibers in the same conduit) or transport layer (multiple services on the same SONET) have clear and well defined resource limits. A GigE running down a piece of fiber will NEVER jump over to the ATM network fiber and wipe it out. Same goes with SONET. An STS1 is an STS1 and will never eat up an OC-48 no matter how much traffic. Clear well defined resource requirements with well defined protection between resources.
shared fate in the switching fabric won't be as stable until routers (the switching fabric) can allocate and manage resources in a clear and defined way. If the resources are being over committed the fabric must be able to handle the full burden of resource requests while still managing to provide appropriate resource limits to services. QoS plays a part in managing the resources of a given link, what manages the resources a service can consume in the fabric itself (CPU, Memory, bandwidth). With proper traffic engineering you can build/overbuild the network to handle 'normal' traffic with a great deal of reliability. The switch fabric and/or network itself must be able to protect itself from the abnormal. Limiting memory/CPU consumption of a flapping BGP peer so you still have enough resources to handle the AToM traffic which is given a higher priority. Let the BGP peers fail, let the Internet traffic drop to save the high priority traffic and the MPLS glue traffic to keep the core operational. Wouldn't it be great if routers had the equivalent of 'User mode Linux' each process handling a service, isolated and protected from each other. The physical router would be nothing more than a generic kernel handling resource allocation. Each virtual router would have access to x amount of resources and will either halt, sleep, crash when it exhausts those resources for a given time slice. I don't know of any method in the current router offerings to limit a VRF to x% of CPU and y% of memory.


jared@puck.nether.net (Jared Mauch) writes:

  I keep hear of Frame-Relay and ATM signaling that is going
to happen in large providers MPLS cores. That's right, your "safe" TDM
based services, will be transported over someones IP backbone first.

One of my DS3/DS1 vendors recently told me of a plan to use MPLS for part
of the route inside their switching center. I said "not with my circuits
you won't". Once they understood that I was willing to take my business
elsewhere or simply do without, they decided that an M13 was worth having
after all. My advice is, walk softly but carry a big stick. When we all
say "everything over IP" that means teaching more devices how to speak
802.11 or other packet-based access protocols rather than giving them ATM
or F/R or dialup modem circuitry. It does *not* mean simulating an ISO-L1
or ISO-L2 "circuit" using a ISO-L3 "network". (Ick.)

Jared Mauch wrote:

On the sunny side, I see this improving over time. Software
bugs will be squashed. Poorly designed networks will be reconfigured to
better handle these situations.

The trend running against these points is the added features and complexity into the software due to market requirements. So while the box you got two years ago might have less bugs today, there are more attractive new devices with new bugs in the old and new features. People seem to be quite convinced that if you put more features into a box, people will pay more for it.

On your second point, it seems that most network protocols are converging towards port TCP/80. So unless network performance and availability degrades really badly, most users are indifferent and the 1st level helpdesk at their provider tells that "at times the internet might be slow" and they usually are quite happy and understanding with that answer because they don�t know that it could be better.

So outside Fortune 500 and some clueful individuals, where is the market for non-poorly designed bug free "Internet"?



I think it has been proven a few times that physical fate sharing is
only a minor contributor to the total connectivity availability while
system complexity mostly controlled by software written and
operated by
imperfect humans contribute a major share to end-to-end availability.

From this, it can be deduced that reducing unneccessary system
complexity and shortening the strings of pearls that make up
the system
contribute to better availablity and resiliency of the
system. Diversity
works both ways in this equation. It lessens the probablity of same
failure hitting majority of your boxes but at the same time increases
the knowledge needed to understand and maintain the whole system.

I would vote for the KISS principle if in doubt.

Hi Pete

This train of thought works well for only accidental failures,
if you have an adversary that is bent on disturbing communications
and damaging the critical infrastructure of a country, physical faith
makes things less robust than they need to be. By the way, no
from me on any of the points you make. Keeping it simple and robust is
a good first step. Having diverse paths in the fiber infrastructure is
also necessary.




I think it has been proven a few times that physical fate sharing is
only a minor contributor to the total connectivity availability while
system complexity mostly controlled by software written and operated by
imperfect humans contribute a major share to end-to-end availability.

  Yes, and at the very least would seem to match our
  intuition and experience.

From this, it can be deduced that reducing unneccessary system
complexity and shortening the strings of pearls that make up the system
contribute to better availablity and resiliency of the system. Diversity
works both ways in this equation. It lessens the probablity of same
failure hitting majority of your boxes but at the same time increases
the knowledge needed to understand and maintain the whole system.

  No doubt. However, the problem is: What constitutes
  "unnecessary system complexity"? A designed system's
  robustness comes in part from its complexity. So its not
  that complexity is inherently bad; rather, it is just
  that you wind up with extreme sensitivity to outlying
  events which is exhibited by catastrophic cascading
  failures if you push a system's complexity past some
  point; these are the so-called "robust yet fragile"
  systems (think NE power outage).

  BTW, the extreme sensitivity to outlying events/catastrophic
  cascading failures property is a signature of class of
  dynamic systems of which we believe the Internet is an
  example; unfortunately, the machinery we currently have
  (in dynamical systems theory) isn't yet mature enough to
  provide us with engineering rules.

I would vote for the KISS principle if in doubt.

  Truly. See RFC 3439 and/or
  http://www.1-4-5.net/~dmm/complexity_and_the_internet. I
  also said a few words about this topic at NANOG26
  where we has a panel on this topic (my slides on


Yesterday we witnessed a large scale failure that has yet to be
attributed to configuration, software, or hardware; however one need
look no further than the thread, or the GBLX customer who
leaked several tens of thousands of their peers' routes to GBLX shortly

This should be rewritten 'Or GLBX who LET one of their customers leak several tens of thousands of the peers routes...'. I'm sorry, a network should be able to protect itself from its users and customers. BGP filters are not that hard to figure out and peer prefix limits should be part of every config. Don't trust the guy at the other end of the pipe to do the right thing.


I don't think faith sharing prevents us from having diverse paths, since
this is where redundancy comes in. Even if all services run over the
same fibre paths, there isn't any problem as long as there's a
sufficient number of alternative paths in case any of the paths goe


David Meyer wrote:

No doubt. However, the problem is: What constitutes
"unnecessary system complexity"? A designed system's
robustness comes in part from its complexity. So its not
that complexity is inherently bad; rather, it is just
that you wind up with extreme sensitivity to outlying
events which is exhibited by catastrophic cascading
failures if you push a system's complexity past some
point; these are the so-called "robust yet fragile"
systems (think NE power outage).

I think you hit the nail on the head. I view complexity as diminishing returns play. When you increase complexity, the increase does benefit a decreasing percentage of the users. A way to manage complexity is splitting large systems into smaller pieces and try to make the pieces independent enough to survive a failure of neighboring piece. This approach exists at least in the marketing materials of many telecommunications equipment vendors. The question then becomes, "what good is a backbone router without BGP process". So far I haven�t seen a router with a disposable entity on interface or peer basis. So if a BGP speaker to crashes the system would still be able to maintain relationship to Obviously the point of single device availability becomes moot if we can figure out a way to route/switch around the failed device quickly enough. Today we don�t even have a generic IP layer liveness protocol so by default packets will be blackholed for a definite duration until a routing protocol starts to miss it�s hello packets. (I�m aware of work towards this goal)

In summary, I feel systems should be designed to run independent in all failure modes. If you lose 1-n neighbors the system should be self-sufficient on figuring out near-immediately the situation, continue working while negotiating with neighbors about the overall picture.


Having woken up this morning and realized it was raining in my bedroom
(last night was the biggest storm the Bay Area has had since my house got
its new roof last summer), and then having moved from cleaning up that
mess to vacuuming water out of the basement after the city's storm sewer
overflowed (which seems to happen to everybody in my neighborhood a couple
of times a year), I've spent lots of time today thinking about general
expectations of reliability. In the telecommunications industry, where we
tend to treat reliability as very important and any outage as a disaster,
hopefully the questions I've been coming up with aren't career ending. :wink:
With that in mind, how much in the way of reliability problems is it
reasonable to expect our users to accept?

If the Internet is a utility, or more generally infrastructure our society
depends on, it seems there are a bunch of different systems to compare it
to. In general, if I pick up my landline phone, I expect to get a
dialtone, and I expect to be able to make a call. If somebody calls my
landline, I expect the phone to ring, and if I'm near the phone I expect
to be able to answer. Yet, if I want somebody to actually get through to
me reliably, I'll probably give them my cell phone number instead. If it
rings, I'm far more likely to able to answer it easily than I am my
landline, since the landline phone is in a fixed location. Yet some
significant portion of calls to or from my cell phone come in when I'm in
areas with bad reception, and the conversation becomes barely
understandable. In many cases, the signal is too weak to make a call at
all, and those who call me get sent straight to voicemail. Most of us put
up with this, because we judge mobility to be more important than

I don't think I've ever had a natural gas outage that I've noticed, but
most of my gas appliances won't work without electric power. I seem to
lose electric power at home for a few hours once a year or so, and after
the interuption life tends to resume as it was before. When power outages
were significantly more frequent, and due to rationing rather than to
accidents, it caused major political problems for the California
government. There must be some threshold for what people are willing to
accept in terms of residential power outages, that's somewhere above 2-3
hours per year.

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I grew up, the whole town tended to pretty
much grind to a halt two or three days a year, when more snow fell than
the city had the resources to deal with. That quantity of snow necessary
to cause that was probably four or five inches. My understanding is that
Minneapolis and Washington DC both grind to a halt due to snow with
somewhat similar frequency, but the amount of snow requred is
significantly more in Minneapolis and significantly less in DC. Again,
there must be some threshold of interruptions due to exceptionally bad
weather that are tolerated, which nobody wants to do worse than and nobody
wants to spend the money to do better than.

So, it appears that among general infrastructure we depend on, there are
probably the following reliability thresholds:

Employees not being able to get to work due to snow: two to three days per
Berkeley storm sewers: overflow two to three days per year.
Residential Electricity: out two to three hours per year.
Cell phone service: Somewhat better than nine fives of reliability :wink:
Landline phone service: I haven't noticed an outage on my home lines in a
few years.
Natural gas: I've never noticed an outage.

How Internet service fits into that of course depends on how you're
accessing the Net. The T-Mobile GPRS card I got recently seems
significantly less reliable than my cell phone. My SBC DSL line is almost
to the reliability level of my landline phone or natural gas service,
except that the DSL router in my basement doesn't work when electric power
is out. I'm probably poorly qualified to talk about the end-user
experience on the networks I actually work on, even if I had permission
to. Like pretty much everybody else here, I'm always interested in doing
better on reliability. And, like many of my neighbors, I'd like to be
able to store stuff on my basement floor. In comparison to a lot of other
infrastructure we depend on, it seems to me the Internet is already doing
pretty well.


It needs to be as reliable as the services that depend on it.

E.g. if bank A is using the Internet exclusively without
leased line back up to run its ATMs, or to interface with
its customers, then it needs to be VERY reliable.

If it's just my kid checking his email on AOL, probably
not that reliable.

As more and more critical services/infrastructure moves
to the IP/MPLS, the expectations in terms of reliability
go up every year. The real questions are:

* How much are the customer's willing to pay for it?
* What kind of reporting/management infrastructure we have
to enforce/monitor the reliability commitment in the SLA?

The discussion today about FR/ATM running over an MPLS core
was very interesting since bank A may in fact think they have
a back up FR circuit but they may not know that their FR circuit is
in fact running over the same IP/MPLS core. Surprise, surprise :slight_smile:


ps. I am located about 100 miles south of SF and I was very happy
that my cable modem service was up all day :slight_smile:

With that in mind, how much in the way of reliability problems is it
reasonable to expect our users to accept?

probably something more than we tell them it will be down, but less than
we would (secretly) hope - most users tend to complain if it becomes
uncomfortable to them and they think that calling might make it better.

If the Internet is a utility, or more generally infrastructure our society
depends on, it seems there are a bunch of different systems to compare it

don't forget such useful things as (snail) mail and trash collection -
we tend to accept more problems with mail (except around certain
holidays)...but if we want more reliability or responsiveness, we pay
extra (or choose a different carrier). trash is forgiving only to the
point that it isn't making things uncomfortable, ie the stench isn't
overwhelming the can of air-freshener :wink:
while it is true that we accept mobility over reliability on our cell
phones, we are becoming less and less forgiving of this (hence the race
to blanket the country with cell towers). we compare cell servive to
landline service, and we accepted that it would take time to get better
coverage, but now it must work all the time, everywhere...

There must be some threshold for what people are willing to accept in
terms of residential power outages, that's somewhere above 2-3 hours
per year.

two or three hours a year would be wonderful here (southern florida),
but the grid is old and very succeptible to lightning (or cars) taking
out a transformer/relay/etc - i agree though, there is a threshold,
which in this case is 'configurable' in the sense that users can be
conditioned to accept worse and worse service.

So, it appears that among general infrastructure we depend on, there are
probably the following reliability thresholds:

mail - about twice as long (2-3 day first class taking 5-6), but
dependent upon the importance as perceived by the customer

trash - smell not overpowering, and bins not overflowing too badly,
presence of rats or cockroaches will reduce the threshold though :wink:

How Internet service fits into that of course depends on how you're
accessing the Net.

based somewhat upon what the customer thinks the reliability should be,
and what they are conditioned to accept - everyone here asks their
friends/coworkers who has the best dsl/cable/email/cell/etc service and
price. this is also the reason that many of us run our own mail/web/etc
servers, so that we have a better idea of what to expect (if operator
error is going to render my email useless, i want it to be my error...)
this brings up another point, we like to be able to 'blame' the error on
someone/thing...if i hose my server, well then i'm an idiot...if my dsl
provider reloads their transit router, then they are the idiot...if the
driver in front of me is going too slow in rush hour and a semi pulls in
ahead...but i digress.
in the race to put more 9's on the company website we have created the
situation where there are (in some cases), unrealistic expectations.
these expectations have not yet been tempered by time or reality, partly
because we (network operators) have done a pretty good job of running
this internet thing in an almost reliable manner. when something goes
wrong, we do our best to prevent that from happening again (for at least
the next month or two).
as to the question of how reliable do the users expect it to be, i
believe that it is a semi-individual thing: as a user, i expect (or
should i say hope) it to be available when i need/want to use it, but
as an operator, i can understand how/why it isn't (but i don't always
like it :wink: )
the internet is as important as the service we run over it...the more
vital (or money-making), the higher the expectation - especially
when it is a service that we already have

my $0.02
