Level 3 RFO

Customer Information

            Customer Company Name: (Internap)

            Customer Contact Information: (noc@internap.com)

            Customer Location: (All services with Level3 Communications)

            Original Ticket Number: SM Parent 1429209

            Customer Impact: Outage

Event Summary

            Outage location: IP North America, Trans-Atlantic and European

            Ticket Create Date and Time: 10/21/2005 12:01 MDT

            Service Restore Date and Time: Between 10/21/2005 12:25 MDT to

10/21/2005 5:31 MDT depending on Location

            Total Duration: Varied by Location

            Event Description:

A configuration update was applied to an edge router in Chicago as part of
approved low risk maintenance activity. This validated and approved
configuration change was applied to four other major markets with no impact.
However; in this specific case the configuration was corrupted during the
deployment process on this specific edge router. Upon load of the corrupted
configuration, the device created an open-ended policy allowing this router's
routes to be redistributed to OSPF.

The engineering team immediately reverted to the previous saved
configuration to mitigate route propagation. The rollback was followed by
deliberate router isolation and complete device reload to ensure no stale
LSAs (Link State Announcements), existed on the device and completed by
12:08 MDT. After reloading the edge router, the initial cause of the event
was effectively mitigated. However, due to the number of flooded LSAs,
other devices in the Level 3 network had difficulty fully loading the OSPF
tables and processing the volume of updates. This caused abnormal
conditions within portions of the Level 3 network. Manual intervention on
specific routers was required to allow a number of routers to return to a
normal routing state.

Root Cause Analysis

Committed redistribution of loopback statement in an erroneous state.


            On devices with large number of adjacent neighbors a selective
process of disabling interfaces on redundant paths or OSPF process restarts
stabilized the affected portions to the network.

Future Preventive Actions

The Level 3 engineering team is currently analyzing the event in order to
determine an appropriate action plan. Details of this specific plan will be
available after the analysis is complete.

However, due to the number of flooded LSAs, other devices in the
Level 3 network had difficulty fully loading the OSPF tables and
processing the volume of updates. This caused abnormal conditions
within portions of the Level 3 network. Manual intervention on
specific routers was required to allow a number of routers to return
to a normal routing state.

This isn't the first time this has happened to an ISP. 8-(

Are there any configuration tweaks which can locally confine such an
event? Something like the hard prefix limit for BGP, perhaps. (I'm
not an OSPF expert, and understand that things are generally more
difficult with link-state protocols.)

This isn't the first time this has happened to an ISP. 8-(


Are there any configuration tweaks which can locally confine such an
event? Something like the hard prefix limit for BGP, perhaps.

set protocols ospf prefix-export-limit <n>
set protocols isis level <n> prefix-export-limit <n>

I'm told IOS has the ~same.

Best regards,

* Daniel Roesen:

>> Are there any configuration tweaks which can locally confine such an
>> event? Something like the hard prefix limit for BGP, perhaps.
> JunOS:
> set protocols ospf prefix-export-limit <n>
> set protocols isis level <n> prefix-export-limit <n>

Wouldn't an import limit be better?

We're talking link-state protocols here... they need to have the same
view everywhere. The only thing you can limit is what you inject into
the (IGP-)global view.

If you've got a almost-fully-meshed MPLS core, export limits won't
really work, will they?

I don't understand this question. What has MPLS to do with IGP route


* Daniel Roesen:

>> Are there any configuration tweaks which can locally confine such an
>> event? Something like the hard prefix limit for BGP, perhaps.
> JunOS:
> set protocols ospf prefix-export-limit <n>
> set protocols isis level <n> prefix-export-limit <n>

Wouldn't an import limit be better?

We're talking link-state protocols here... they need to have the same
view everywhere. The only thing you can limit is what you inject into
the (IGP-)global view.

What a pity. There isn't an ugly workaround, either? There has to be
something that can be done, given the operational risk that is

Certainly, this adds a new dimension to the "distributed single point
of failure" concept. 8-(

If you've got a almost-fully-meshed MPLS core, export limits won't
really work, will they?

I don't understand this question. What has MPLS to do with IGP route

It's the "almost fully-meshed" part. In such a setup, a single router
which exceeds the limit can affect a large part of the the network,
even if other routers do not propagate the bogus data.

But as you say, if the limit you mentioned is just a local limit on
redistribution to the IGP for a single router, my point is moot--if
it's in the IGP, you lose because the limit does not apply to routes
which are received over the IGP.