Level 3 (3356) issues?

Just curious if anyone is seeing issues with Level 3
right now? Our session is still up but we can't
see any outside routes through them currently. I'm
guessing by the fact that I've been on hold for 25
minutes that I'm not the only one having an issue with
them but wanted to double check.



No issues here.... full feed coming in and no issues getting out (that
have been noticed so far)

  2 so-8-0.hsa1.Detroit1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 12 msec 8
msec 12 msec
  3 so-4-3-0.mp1.Detroit1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 12 msec 12
msec 8 msec
  4 as-4-0.bbr2.NewYork1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 36 msec
    ae-0-0.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 40 msec 36
  5 ae-4-99.edge6.NewYork1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 36 msec
    ae-3-89.edge6.NewYork1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 36 msec
    ae-1-69.edge6.NewYork1.Level3.net ( [AS 3356] 36 msec
  6 pop2-nye-P5-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 40 msec 40 msec 36
  7 bb1-nye-P1-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 40 msec 36 msec 40
  8 bb2-ash-P13-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 36 msec 36 msec 40
  9 pop1-ash-S1-1-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 40 msec 36 msec
36 msec
10 dar1-mtc-S0-0-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 40 msec
    dar1-mtc-S1-2-0.atdn.net ( [AS 1668] 40 msec 40 msec

Take care,

Paul Stewart
Senior Network Administrator
5 King St. E., Millbrook, ON, LOA 1GO
Phone: 705-932-4127
Web: http://www.nexicom.net
Nexicom - Connected. Naturally.

Our DS3 here in Cupertino, Ca seems to be working flawless....


I know of Level 3 issues in the Tampa area. Where are you?
