Layer3 down?

From my IT department:

"It seems that the internet is having issues at a Layer3 Communications
router, this normally would not be a problem but L3 runs some routing for
the internet backbone. The techs at L3 are working on the problem and we do
not have an eta as to when it will be back up, this situation is completely
out of our control. You may experience short network outages or severe


I would question any announcement from any department which doesn't even know the name of the provider in question, more or less who "runs some router for the internet backbone", whatever that is.

I would question any announcement from any department which
doesn't even know the name of the provider in question, more
or less who "runs some router for the internet backbone",
whatever that is.

Sorry.... Level 3...


How about you (1) let us know your general location (2) show us evidence by
sending traceroutes, etc.

I can mail, therefore L3 "works"

Pretty vague, eh?

From my IT department:

"It seems that the internet is having issues at a Layer3 Communications
router, this normally would not be a problem but L3 runs some routing


the internet backbone. The techs at L3 are working on the problem and we


not have an eta as to when it will be back up, this situation is


out of our control. You may experience short network outages or severe

Thanks for posting my morning smile.


--Michael Dillon