large scale xDSL deployment?

Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?


At the TISPA meeting in March, if I recall correctly, a guy from PairGain
claimed a large installation in Chicago and one somewhere in Canada.

I just read (Comm Week?) that Microsloth was trying ADSL out with a group
of its employees in Washington, but direct from their homes to the software
factory and not through the big-"I". Reports were glowingly positive.

--SG is offering ADSL dedicated service near their POP in downtown
St. Paul. No clue on how large a scale -- they just started offering it.


GTE recently announced that it will add 1,000 Microsoft employees to its
ADSL Internet access trial in Redmond, Washington.

A press release can be found at

A "trial" of this size will probably result in permanent service.

Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?


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Greg Ruth
GTE Laboratories Incorporated
40 Sylvan Road MS 28
Waltham, MA 02254
Phone: (617) 466-2448
Fax: (617) 466-3018

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SaskTel in Saskatchewan was one of the first companies anywhere to offer
xDSL Internet access. There's not much info here
but there is a contact name and you can see how they are marketing it.

Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting - E-mail:

The bottom line is track record. Not track tearing. Not track derailing.
But pounding the damn dirt around the track with the rest of us worms.
       -- Randy Bush