KPNQwest server.

> > I don't know of any official requirements. But RFCs 2182 and 2870
> > offer good guidance. (Some of 2870 is root zone-specific, but most of
> > it would apply to a ccTLD server.)
> >
> > --Steve Bellovin, error (me)
> It is perhaps instructive to note that when RFC 2870 was written, (most of)
> the roots also hosted COM,NET,ORG. Considered properly, RFC 2870 is
> more targeted toward gTLD servers. ccTLDs have a moderately different
> focus, while root servers are distinct from either in their requirements.

So how does the operation of gTLD servers differ from ccTLD servers, other
than perhaps more focus on geographical diversity?

  number and distributions of registrations, legacy considerations
  that may reflect on legal issues, local policy issues
  that off the top of my head.

  .com vs .um -- for example.



> So how does the operation of gTLD servers differ from ccTLD servers, other
> than perhaps more focus on geographical diversity?

  number and distributions of registrations, legacy considerations
  that may reflect on legal issues, local policy issues
  that off the top of my head.

  .com vs .um -- for example.

number and distribution of registrations maybe - that comes down to number
and sizing of servers and geography/network diversity, the others are at best
operational concerns for the backend, not for the "frontend" DNS servers.

Taking RFC 2870, why wouldn't all of section 2 and most of section 3 and
section 4 be applicable to both gTLD and ccTLD servers (changing root zone
and IANA as appropriate)?